Local News – Tuesday, August 20th, 2019
The Dent County Commissioners met for their regular meeting Monday morning. Mary Beth Cook was in to ask for a letter of support from the commissioners for the Salem R-80 High School construction trades program for the Missouri Workforce Training Initiative application and Community Development Block Grant application. The commissioners approved the request. In the road report, both commissioners reported they had crews out Friday removing downed trees and limbs from roads from the storm that morning. Doss Road was closed entirely by a downed tree that was removed and two pickup loads of limbs were removed from the courthouse square. District 1 Commissioner Dennis Purcell said grading would be done on Dent County Roads 5525, 6250, 6255, 6380 and 6410. He also said brush would be cut on county roads 5015, 5150 and 5160. Purcell went on to say he would attend a South Central Community Action Agency meeting tonight in Winona. District 2 Commissioner Gary Larson indicated that grading would be done on Dent County Roads 3330, 3360 and 3370 while materials would be added and grading done on county road 2050. Larson also said brush would be cut on county roads 2240 and 2370 and a man would be going to Springfield for more oil for chip and seal road repairs. Chip and seal road overlays are to begin next Monday. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles stated he attended Senator Roy Blunts’ Ag Conference at Sedalia last Thursday and the group heard from Blunt and Representatives Smith and Long. A lot of the discussion was on the Missouri River basin and the flooding there. There was also a discussion on rural broadband coverage and the Feral Hog issue. Skiles said he would be attending a State Emergency Management Agency meeting on Wednesday. Willis Stagner was in and said his son, Randall Stagner, is buying property around the Stagner Cemetery, which he would like to donate to the County as part of the Cemetery for parking. The Commission will contact their attorney for his input and get back to Mr. Stagner. The Commission voted to buy a new brush cutter per State bid. The John Deere 6110M Cab tractor cost is $81,160.60 and the 2019 Tiger BB22 Boom Mower cost is $58,810.60. The Commission will be seeking financing bids. The Commission will also be seeking bids for a new phone system for the Sheriff’s Department as no bids were previously received. Information and bid specs can be obtained by calling the Sheriff’s Department at 573-729-3241. Bids are due to County Clerk Curley’s office by 10:00 in the morning on Monday, September 9th. The Commission had a conference call with Katelyn Kurley of Standard & Poor’s Global regarding the bond ratings for the jail project. Everything looks strong and stable for the future. The next meeting of the commission will be Thursday morning at the courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.
The Salem R-80 Board of Education met Thursday at the district administrative board room. A public tax hearing was held prior to the meeting. Superintendent John McColloch explained the tax rates proposed by the Salem R-80 School District, a political subdivision. He recommended a continuation of the state’s $2.75 minimum operating levy and a $0.45 debt service levy for a total tax rate of $3.20 for the district. The public hearing was then adjourned. In the regular meeting, Assistant Superintendent John Smith reported that 10 new teachers attended the New Tiger Training led by Kristen Stites and Christy Leathers. He also reported on the professional development days held for the staff on August 12th through the 14th. Enrollment numbers were provided by all the principals and William Lynch Elementary has an enrollment of 279 students while the Upper Elementary has an enrollment of 340 students to begin school. At the Middle School, a total of 246 are enrolled while at the Salem High School, there are 582 students enrolled. The board approved the 2018-2019 Annual Secretary of the Board Report, approved the 2019 tax rate established in the public hearing of $3.20 per $100 assessed valuation, approved the Dent County Development Preschool Lease in the amount of $12,600, and they approved the Transportation Agreement with First Student. After going in to closed session to discuss a personnel issue, the R-80 board adjourned.
The Salem Memorial District Hospital Board of Directors will be meeting tonight for a public tax hearing at 5:45 in the hospital library followed by the regular meeting at 6:00. The board will then hear a department director presentation before getting the summary of operations for the month of July from Monica Stogsdill. Debbie Hines will present the CNO report followed by a report on the hospital foundation. Hospital Administrator Kasey Lucas will present the marketing and community perception report. In old business, the board will get updated on the hospital expansion and renovation projects before any new business is discussed. Both the public tax hearing and regular meeting are open to the public.