Local News – Tuesday, August 17th, 2021
A public hearing to set the tax rate levy for real estate and personal property taxes in the City of Salem was held Monday night before the Salem Board of Aldermen meeting and no one spoke on the tax levy. At the regular meeting, Bill Parsons spoke to the board that most of the billing issues he brought up at the last meeting have been addresses and finalized. He still has a some issues on one property where the bills were paid in cash, but the house burnt and the receipts were apparently destroyed. Parsons agreed to work with Public Works Director Mark Nash on resolving that issue. Parsons also asked for the closure of 4th Street between Hickory and Water Streets, and Water to 3rd Street for an Octoberfest to be held Friday, October 29th through the 31st. A discussion to make sure the B&B on 4th Street had parking was brought up, but was resolved by Parsons and the board. They approved the request. Crystal and Ted Kiddy brought to the attention of the board that a number of cars, semi-trucks and motorcycles are speeding down North Jackson toward the Salem Care Center and back as well as on some alley ways shooting rocks into windows. They said some people even park in the alley ways and it is unsafe for children to play. Police Chief Joe Chase said a road survey was done and the top speed was 31 MPH and there was no stop sign violations. He said another survey can be done with a handheld radar gun, preferably in an unmarked car. Aldermen Greg Parker did request that a four-way stop be placed at West 8th Street and North Jackson as there is a small hill that leaves a blind spot that can be very dangerous. The Kiddy’s also said that a neighbor two doors down continues to burn rubber, plastic and tires. The alderman said to contact the police so that a report can be made. After the consent agenda, the board discussed a gate system for the Industrial Park Yard Waste area. Public Works Director Nash explained the one bid received from Rick Emory to install 40-feet of heavy duty fencing with an 18 ft heavy duty gate. The fence would be anchored by 4 ½ inch posts five foot into the ground with 2 3/8 inch pipe that would run into the woods for a total cost of $5,965. The alderman approved the bid. Police Chief Joe Chase then discussed a camera system for the Industrial Park Yard Waste Site. After presenting numerous options and scenarios, the board approved the purchase of a VX400 Covert Surveillance System for $5,194 from i2c Technologies which includes shipping. Economic Development Director Sally Burbridge discussed the Residential Demolition Program to the board. She said three properties will be in the initial program and all three took the 50/50 split where they pay half and the city pays half to demolish the property and put it back into green space. The people will retain their ownership of the property. The three properties are 702 West Butler owned by Connie Riggins, 1003 East Hawkins owned by Tracy and Stephanie Hughes, and 500 East 4th Street owned by Casey Jadwin. The total cost of the demolition came to $16,025 and the owners will have to pay their half of the demolition costs to the city before the work begins. Bids were let out to do the demolition work and the bid recommended after scoring by the staff was to Godi’s Excavating. The board approved Resolution #23-2021 to authorize the mayor to sign an agreement with Godi Excavating to do the demolition work. The board approved the tax levy of 67.46 cents per $100 assessed valuation for the year 2021 for real estate and personal property within the city limits in Bill #3487. They also approved Resolution #22-2021 that states the city intends to seek funding through the American Rescue Plan Act and authorizes the mayor to pursue activities in an attempt to secure funding. City Administrator Ray Walden said there will be 110 utilities subject to cut-off starting today, and that utility bills are on track to be out by the first of the month. He told the board there were 3,999 people taking part in activities at the Salem Community Center@The Armory. He also told the board about Healthy Dent County bringing back Project Rise which can help families move toward self-sufficiency. He told the board there would be a joint finance and utility meeting Thursday night at 6:00 at the Salem Community Center@The Armory. The board took up a discussion on the request to rezone the property at 306 East Franklin from commercial to industrial that included Building Inspector Jared Brown who recommended the property not be rezoned creating spot zoning even though the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended the change. With no motion made by the board, the topic died on the floor. The board then went into closed session.
Airport Board President Harold Tubbs has called a meeting of the Airport Board this evening at 6:00 at the Salem Community Center at The Armory. The meeting will be held to introduce new board members, Alderman representatives, and staff as well as the election of officers. The board will discuss the status of contracting fuel services, repairing the ground wire by the fuel tank area, the status of hanger rentals, give a courtesy car update, and discuss the location of the pilot lounge. There will be an update on the airport lights, a review of NOTAM posters, a gate opener update, a discussion on regulations on disabled planes in the tie down area, renting the airport grounds for the production of hay, and other business. The meeting of the Airport Board tonight is open to the public.