Local News – Tuesday, August 11th, 2020
Monday morning at the Dent County Courthouse, the commissioners held their regular meeting. District1 Commissioner Dennis Purcell was not in attendance due to a previous commitment so District 1 Road Supervisor Rodney Atkinson gave the road report. He indicated grading would be done on Dent County Roads 5525, 5530, 6255 and 6570 while materials would be added and grading done on county road 6420. He went to say a pipe would be repaired at the intersection of county roads 6400 and 6410 with materials being added to both of those roads. Atkinson reported grading would be done on Dent County Roads 5450, 5480 and 6190. District 2 Commissioner Gary Larson stated grading was going to be done on Dent County Roads 2200, 3140, 3190 and 4330 while materials would be added and grading done on county road 2340. He also said brush would be cut on county road 4060. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles said he would be attending the Missouri Association of Counties summer board meeting Thursday followed by the Transportation Advisory Committee meeting at the MRPC Thursday afternoon and the MRPC meeting that evening. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley wanted to thank the voters who turned out last Tuesday as 41.87% of all registered voters came to the polls. She said if someone needs to register to vote for the General Election in November, they need to register by October 7th. She also wanted to remind people who need to update their voter information, now is a great time to do that by stopping by her office or by calling 729-4144. Curley also said she would be attending the MAC Summer Board meeting on Thursday as well. Curley gave the commissioners the contract from Clear Basin to provide online updates for the Assessor’s office that Jamie Homeyer discussed last week with the commission. The contract was for three years for $5,000 each year with a $1,500 setup fee. The commission took no action on the contract as they wanted to discuss it further with the assessor who was not available at the meeting. Sheriff Bob Wells brought in a contract to provide health services for the prisoners in the jail through Ozark Correctional Health Care out of Pulaski County. They would provide a nurse and doctor to the jail once a week and when needed, plus be able to perform a number of on-site tests. The initial contract would be through December 31, 2020 with a new annual agreement starting January 1, 2021 at a cost of $70,000 for the year. The cost of the short term agreement is $5,833.33 per month and the commission will be able to pay that amount out of the CARES Act COVID-19 money. After both commissioners read the contract, it was approved. The commission did approve one application for reimbursement through the CARES Act and it was to the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce for $299. At 10:00, a follow up public hearing was held for the CDBG grant for the renovation of the Dent County Firehouse. Gary O’Day representing the MRPC was there to go over the numbers and discuss the work done to the building. The CDBG grant, which was granted to the county for thw work on the firehouse, was for $350,000 out of the $985,758 project to help pay for the ADA improvements including entry and bathroom access. Also part of the renovations were the addition of two additional front doors and the widening of the south door, a new roof, parking lot improvements and concrete aprons in front of the bay doors. Also in attendance was Toni Cahill from Cahill Construction Company of Salem who did the construction work to answer any questions if there were any. At the last meeting, the commission decided to seek propane bids for the courthouse and they will be due and opened at 10:00 on Monday, August 24th. The next meeting of the Dent County Commission will be Monday morning at 9:00 at the courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.
Mayor Brad Nash has called for a special meeting of the Board of Aldermen of the city of Salem for Tuesday, August 11th at 6:00 to be held at the Salem Community Center@The Armory. After the roll call the board will go into closed session to discuss personnel.
Dent County Prosecuting Attorney Andrew Curley reported on two cases heard on Thursday and Friday, August 6th and 7th. On Thursday, August 6th in front of Judge Nathan Kelsaw in Dent County, Joshua Coffman of Salem pled guilty to the possession of methamphetamine. He was sentenced to five years in the Department of Corrections as recommended by the state. On Friday in the 42nd Judicial Circuit Court in front of Judge Megan Seay, Curley reported that Bradley Delashmit of Salem pled guilty to receiving stolen property and two counts of the possession of methamphetamine. He was sentenced to five years in the Department of Corrections.
The Salem Park and Recreation Department will hold a Park Board meeting on Tuesday, August 11th at 6:00 at the Salem Community Center@ The Armory. At the meeting, the board will hear from Park and Recreation Director Melissa Dubois on the Spring Soccer program, signups for the upcoming Flag Football and Cheerleading 2020, give a report on the pool, and pavilion rentals, give a report on the Summer baseball, softball and T-Ball programs, give an update on LWCF Grant for Soccer Fields and other items she needs to report. The board will also be updated on the Gym at Healthy Dent County Fitness Center and the TAP Grant. The board will hear any other business before adjourning. The Salem Park and Recreation Board meeting was called by President Stan Podorski and the meeting will be open to the public. Social Distancing will be enforced at the meeting.