Local News – Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019
The Dent County Commissioners met for their regular meeting Thursday morning in the Dent County Courthouse. In the hearing of persons, Travis Richards was in to talk to the Commission. In the road report, District One Commissioner Dennis Purcell said that grading would be done on Dent County Road 5390 and materials would be added to county roads 6245, 4210, 6370 and 5600. He went on to report that grading would be done and materials would be added to Dent County Roads 5100, 5103, 5105 and 5380. District Two Commissioner Gary Larson said that grading would be done on Dent County Roads 2590, 2600, 4400 and 4405, while materials would be added to county roads 2590 and 2600, plus brush would be cut on county road 3180. Both Larson and Purcell reported that they had a grader operator out. Larson said that Fabick and Co. may get the grader that’s been gone for repairs back today. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles reported on the CART receipts for Dent County Treasurer Denita Williams. April’s receipts were $52,310.88, which was down from April 2018’s receipts of $55,438.98. He said that the April to April drop of $3,128.10 left the year-to-date down by $3,989.35 or 1.8%. Dent Count Clerk Angie Curley reported that there were a few bills to be approved by the Commissioners and that the meeting of the Board of Equalization date needed to be set. The Commissioners set the date for July 15th. Three bids were received for culverts from Advanced Drainage Systems, Metal Culverts and Viebrock Sales and Service. Viebrock had the low bid of $15,111.00 and it was approved by the commission by a 3–0 vote. Sheriff Bob Wells was in for the opening of the financing bids for the new vehicle. Bids were submitted by Bank of Salem, Town and Country Bank, and US Bank. The low bid of 2.84% for 3 years by Town and Country Bank was approved by the Commissioners 3-0. At last Thursday’s meeting Nick Smith and Dwight Ramsburg with Septagon along with Steve Davis with Shive-Hattery were in to update the Commission on the jail project. Sheriff Wells brought in a contract to provide inmate phone/video visitation at no cost to the county in the new jail. The Commissioners approved the contract 3-0. The next meeting of the Commissioners will be Thursday morning at the Courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.
A drowning occurred Sunday morning at Snow Hollow Lake in Iron County that took the life of a De Soto man. According to the water patrol report, 39-year old Zachary Daugherty was fishing from a stern pedestal seat when he suffered a seizure causing him to fall overboard and he did not resurface. Daugherty was pronounced dead at the scene by Iron County Coroner Tim Harbison. The body was taken to the Iron County Coroners office. Assisting the water patrol at the scene were MDC agents, the Pilot Knob Fire Department, Doe Run Fire Department, and Metro West Dive Team. This was the first boating fatality for Troop E in 2019.
Reservations are now being accepted for the City of Salem two Pavilions that can be rented at the Salem City Park for an entire day. The cost of the Fireplace Pavilion on the circle drive is $45 per day and the large pavilion on the west side of the creek is $35 for the entire day. This includes electric and lights. Other pavilions at the park are free and cannot be reserved. You can also book your pool party for this summer as well as purchase your family pass for the Alice Lou Craig Swimming Pool. For more information on reserving a pavilion, booking a pool party or purchasing a family pass for the pool, call Park and Recreation Director Tye Lydon at 729-6290. Reservations dates on the pavilions and pool parties are made on a first come, first served basis.
The Dent County Sheriff’s Department has released the following reports for April 12th through the 14th. On Friday, April 12th, deputies traveled to 1007 East Center Street for a warrant check. During the course of the investigation a 22-year-old Salem male was arrested for active warrants through Dent County and possession of a controlled substance. Also arrested was a 27-year-old Salem female for active warrants and possession of a controlled substance. Both subjects were transported to the Dent County Sheriff’s Office jail and incarcerated. Then on Sunday, April 14th, deputies conducted a traffic stop in the 2000 block of Route W. During the course of the traffic stop, a 35-year-old Salem male was arrested for three active warrants through the Dent County Sheriff’s Office for failing to appear on traffic offenses and operating a motor vehicle on a highway without a valid license, a 2nd offense. The male was transported to the Dent County Sheriff’s Office Jail and incarcerated. Please contact the Dent County Sheriff’s Office at 729-3241 if you have any information about an ongoing investigation.