Local News – Tuesday, April 21st, 2020
The Dent County Commission met Monday morning at the courthouse. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles was not in attendance so Commissioner Gary Larson was named as the acting Presiding Commissioner for the meeting. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Dennis Purcell said that Fabick has replaced the grader that was down with a bad transmission with a loaner to serve the Bunker area. He said materials would be added and grading done on Dent County Roads 5590 and 6470 while only grading would be done on county road 4080. Purcell indicated brush would be cut on county roads 6220 and 6230. He went on to say the grader blades on grader #38 were being changed out before it was leaving the shop. District 2 Commissioner Larson reported that grading would be done on Dent County Roads 3030, 3040, 3165, 4300 and 4330 while materials would be added and grading would be done on Dent County Road 2160. He said brush would be cut on county road 2120. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley said absentee voting for the June 2nd Municipal election continues and you need to call her office and they can bring the ballot out to your vehicle. Her office number is 729-4144. She also said that you must be registered to vote by July 8th to vote in the August 4th primary that will be held for state and county government offices. You will have to pick a particular party in that election. At the last meeting, Sheriff Bob Wells brought in bids for a computer system for the jail offices and the winning bid went to Adorama from New York for $11,638.14. He also received bids on the trash service for different locations in the county that included the Road and Bridge Department, the courthouse, the sheriff’s department and the new jail. The board approved the package price from Family Trash Service for $411.50 per month. Wells also brought in an application for the Missouri Department of Public Safety LESO Program which would give them access to surplus property and Commissioner Skiles signed the application. Wells also discussed a new sign in front of the jail and recommended the commission go with the quote from Action Graphics. Wells went on to talk with the commissioners about the concrete pad/carport fence at the end of the storage buildings. He said he would get back with the commissioners with a quote at a later date. The next meeting of the Dent County Commissioners will be Monday morning at 9:00 at the courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.
Out of an abundance of caution and in response to the extension of the statewide “Stay Home Missouri” Order, Missouri State Parks is extending temporary closures of campgrounds, park-run lodging, offices and visitor centers and extending the suspension of special events and programming through May 3rd. This suspension includes Missouri State Parks special events, including both on- and off-site programming, third party events, group reservations and guided tours. Missouri State Park visitor centers, offices, campgrounds and lodging will remain closed through May 3. Most state parks and state historic sites will remain open for day-use, with the exception of temporary closures at five state parks to address overcrowding and concerns regarding public safety. State park temporary closures in the immediate area through May 3rd includes the temporary closure of Elephant Rocks State Park. Gates to individual parking lots may close at all state parks when the lot is near capacity. For questions regarding state park or historic site campground or park-run lodging, please call the Reservation Call Center at 1-877-422-6766. The call center is open daily from 7:00 in the morning until 7:00 at night. For an existing reservation with concessionaire lodging in the immediate area, call Echo Bluff State Park at 844-322-3246 or Montauk State Park at 573-548-2434.
The Salem Memorial District Hospital Board of Directors will conduct their April meetin this evening in the hospital library beginning at 6:00. After approval of the agenda and minutes of the March 17th regular meeting, Hospital Administrator Kasey Lucas will report on the summary of the operations for the month of March, a Home Health report and hospital auxiliary report followed by the Chief of Nursing Report for the month by Debbie Hines. A report on the hospital foundation, plus the marketing and community perception report will be given by Chief Operating Officer Jason Edwards. In old business the Board will review the FY’21 Finance Committee Report, receive a COVIC-19 update, plus be updated on the Hospital Expansion and Renovation. New business will include the Board Director Swear-in postponement until June 16th, 2020. Due to COVIC-19 social distancing guidelines the April meeting of the Salem Memorial District Hospital Board of Directors will be held by telephone/video conference. The meeting is open to the public. For information to access the meeting, please email kbrown@smdh.net or call (573) 729-5917, extension 4005.
This week is Work Zone Awareness week and the Missouri Department of Transportation is using this week as a nation-wide reminder of the potential dangers of driving through work zones. Although traffic levels are currently lighter than normal, department officials and local law enforcement are seeing a corresponding increase in speeds. In addition, much of the existing work will remain in place through the remainder of the year, after many of the stay-at-home restrictions have been lifted. MoDOT St. Louis District Engineer Tom Blair says that work zones can change rapidly from day to day, as crews work on the many construction projects needed to keep Missouri roadways operational for years to come. In addition, they have many maintenance teams out repairing potholes, picking up trash and many other tasks to keep our roads safe for travel, as well as movement of goods and supplies. They ask that drivers slow down and pay attention as they see our crews out there; move over if they can to give a little extra room, buckle up and put down cell phones and other distractions. So far this year, 10 MoDOT employees have been struck. All of those crashes have been into truck mounted attenuators, vehicles that protect MoDOT employees by helping catch and stop vehicles that may be heading into a work zone. Across the state, 18 Missourians died in crashes in work zones in 2019.
The Salem License Bureau located in the Crossroads Shopping Center is open for business again. They ask that you please use social distancing when waiting in line.