Local News – Tuesday, April 17th, 2018
The Dent County Commissioners met for their regular meeting Monday morning at the courthouse. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles was not in attendance and Commissioner Gary Larson was appointed to act as temporary presiding commissioner. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Dennis Purcell stated grading would be done on Dent County Roads 2470, 2480, 6210, 5310, 6400 and 6410 and if time permits, county road 5580. He indicated brush would be cut on county road 6510 and is asking people driving that road to be aware of the operators doing the brush cutting. Purcell said he would be attending a South Central Community Action Agency meeting in Winona tonight. District 2 Commissioner Larson said grading would be done on Dent County Roads 2340, 3180, and 4370 while brush will be cut on county roads 4283, 4285 and 4287. Larson went on to say that materials would be hauled and added to county road 2630 and workers will also be out checking for washouts from the rains Friday night. Bids for culverts were received and opened at 10:00 Monday morning, but no vote was taken as the bids received were over budget. At the last meeting, Salem Mayor Brad Nash and City Administrator Ray Walden came in to discuss the memorandum of understanding on the agreement for the Iron and Water Streets ownership right-of-way. The memorandum was to be presented in closed session at the aldermen meeting Monday night. The next meeting of the commissioners will be Thursday morning at 9:00 and the meeting will be open to the public.
The Salem Board of Aldermen met Monday night at the city hall council chambers. In the hearing of persons, John Hambacker and Beverly Atchison wanted clarification on the lifetime appointments that were mentioned in the newspaper. All city employees are considered to have at-will employment that means they can be dismissed for cause at any time. The newspaper was mistaken in listing the appointments as just lifetime. These seven appointments are made by the Mayor with approval by the Aldermen. With the recommendation from the Archer-Elgin Design Engineer Ken Campbell, the board approved the lowest bid from Smith and Edwards Construction totaling $570,500 for the Phase 1A Waste Water Treatment Plant improvement project. The board heard from the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Gary Brown about the public hearing and meeting that was held prior to the City Council meeting. There was no public comment regarding the annexation of property owned by Phelps County Regional Medical Center. With the Planning and Zoning Commissions recommendation, the board approved the annexation of the five acres as commercial property. The board certified the election results from the April 3rd Municipal Election. City Clerk, Mary Happel administered the oath of office to Mayor Brad Nash, East Ward Alderwomen Kim Shelton and West Ward Alderman Kenny Nash. Mayor Nash presented outgoing West Ward Alderwoman, Molly Zettel, with an appreciation plaque. Alderman Haydn Powell was elected President of the Board of Alderman. Mayor Nash explained why the storm sirens were not set off during the recent thunderstorm. Several factors go into deciding when the weather calls for the sirens to be implemented. The National Weather Service works closely with the Dent County and City of Salem Emergency Management Directors and local officials are all involved in the decision. City Administrator Ray Walden reminded the board and citizens that in his capacity as City Administrator, all employee direction and job duties must go through his office as directed by Article VI Section 115.600 of the code book. He thanked the students at Salem R-80 High School for their help during the schools community service day. The suspended tile ceiling in the City Hall has been removed and roofing estimates will be sought to repair several leaks. The Drury University student led fourth visioning session will be held the evening of May 7th from 5:00 until 7:00 at the Salem Community Center @ the Armory. Walden requested and the board approved moving the May 7th Alderman meeting to the Armory so that alderman may attend the session. City Attorney Camm Seay presented Bill #3381 that addresses the definitions and the operation of golf carts within the city limits. Golf carts that do not exceed 20 mph are permitted inside the city limits with several conditions being met. The board went into closed session to discuss real estate.
The Salem Memorial Hospital Board of Directors will hold their regular meeting this evening at 6:00 at the hospital library. In the administrator’s report, the board will receive information on the summary of operations and statistics for the month of March followed by the Chief of Nursing Operations report. There will also be a report on the Hospital Foundation followed by the auxiliary report. There will be a report on marketing and community perception, plus patient satisfaction survey results for the Emergency Department and SMDH Family Medicine. In old business, the board will go over Finance Committee meeting report. In new business the board will consider hospital purchases. The agenda also includes a vote by the board to go into closed session if needed. The regular meeting of the Salem Memorial District Hospital Board of Directors is open to the public.
The Salem R-80 Board of Education will hold their reorganizational and regular board meeting at 6:00 this evening at the Salem District Administrative Offices Boardroom. At the meeting, will be the swearing in of the re-elected board members followed by the election of the board officers. An MSBA delegate and alternate will be decided upon before the regular meeting begins. After the consent agenda, the Board will hear from Superintendent John McColloch who will report on a budget update before the principals from all the schools will give their reports. In new business, the board will set the 2018-2019 tuition, consider a Security Resource Officer position and a school psychological examiner position, and consider a Middle School building improvement plan. The board will accept resignations before adjourning and then go into closed session. The Salem R-80 Board of Education reorganizational and regular meeting will be tonight at the District Administrative Office at 6:00 and it is open to the public.