Local News – Tuesday, April 12th, 2022
The Dent County Commissioners met Monday morning for their regular meeting at the courthouse. Dent Collector Shannon VanKirk gave the March turnover report that showed collections during the month of $161,610.08. She said collections for January through March in 2022 are down about 1% from the collections in 2021 for the first three months. VanKirk and the commission discussed a need to upgrade the security camera system from standard definition to HD. The commissioners approved to put the changeover out to bid in the Salem News next week with all bids due to the county clerk by 10:00 the morning of Thursday, May 12th. The improvements will be partially paid out of the collector’s tax maintenance fund. In the road report, 1st District Commissioner Wes Mobray said workers were removing a tree that was across Dent County Road 5530 from the winds of Sunday and early Monday morning. He said crews would be out checking other roads for downed limbs or trees as well as any clogged culverts. Gary Larson, the 2nd District Commissioner, stated his crews would also be out checking roads for downed trees or limbs as well as doing shop maintenance. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles said he would be attending a CCAM meeting this morning before attending the MAC Legislative Day in Jefferson City where they will speak with legislators about their concerns during the afternoon. Skiles said the other commissioners will also be attending the MAC Legislative Day as well as Dent County Clerk Angie Curley. Curley did say that she balanced with the collector and assessor on all collections, abatements and add-ons for the month of March. At the last meeting, Devan Johnson from the Missouri State Auditor’s Office came in and visited with the commission about the scope of their work. The next meeting of the Dent County Commissioners will be Thursday morning at 9:00 at the courthouse and the meeting will be open to the public.
Preliminary data from the Missouri Department of Conservation shows that young turkey hunters in Missouri harvested 2,881 birds over the past youth weekend, April 9th and 10th. The top harvest counties were Miller with 87 birds harvested, Osage with 71, and Franklin with 71. In the immediate area, Texas County had 61 turkeys harvested while Phelps County had 57 turkeys taken. Dent County recorded 39 birds taken followed by Crawford County had 30 turkey harvested, Shannon County with 17 birds checked, Reynolds County with 13 turkeys harvested and Iron County with 11 birds taken. Young hunters checked 2,795 turkeys during the 2021 spring youth weekend. The regular spring turkey season runs April 18th through May 8th. For more on spring turkey hunting in Missouri, visit mdc.mo.com.
Salem Area Community Betterment Association (SACBA) of Salem is proud to present an evening of recognizing local volunteer achievements of fellow community members. On Saturday evening, May 7th at 5:30, the evening will commence with a progressive finger food meal around the SACBA property featuring each aspect of our not-for-profit organization. The evening will conclude with an awards presentation honoring local volunteer individuals and groups. Tickets are $30.00 per person and includes delicious eats and treats from our featured event caterers: County Road Coffee, Hometown Sweets, Arandas Mexican Restaurant and JB Malone’s. Tickets are available at the Salem Public Library (cash only), Salem Area Chamber of Commerce (cash and credit cards) and the Community Center @ the Armory (cash only). Credit card purchases are subject to applicable fees. Tickets must be presented at the event. Event location is at the Ozark Natural & Cultural Resource Center (ONCRC) located at 202 S. Main. We are pleased to announce our 2022 nominees as follows: Education & Youth: Marty Anderson & A.J. Tinker, Warm My Heart Foundation, Janet Price, Friends of the Salem Public Library and Kala Sisco. Community Enhancement and Preservation: MO Gamblers 500, Sarah Arnett, Jake Stotlerand and the AARP Tax Aide Volunteers. Arts & Culture: Jamin Bray and Michael Helms (posthumously). Humanitarian: Sarah Arnett, Lyndell Decker, Michelle Smith, Ahleesha Elwood, Nancy Eudy, Grace Harbor and Dianne Godi. Outstanding Youth Volunteer: Sierra Rusco, Denise Stoner and Northwood R-4 JAG Class. Congratulations to all the nominees! In addition, the board will present the “Community Trailblazer” award to the late Libby Sanders for her many hours of volunteerism to our community. For more information find us on Facebook, email us at sacba@salemmo.com or call 573-729-6983.