Local News – Thursday, September 30, 2021
The Salem Memorial District Hospital Board of Director’s meeting was held Tuesday evening in the Hospital Library. In the summary of operations for the month of August, the hospital had 118 inpatient admissions with 457 inpatient census days. The hospital showed a gain from operations of $19,500 and had an excess of revenues over expenses of $21,573. During the month, there were 854 emergency room visits with 105 admissions, plus there were 286 ambulance runs where 192 patients were transported. In August, there were 34 surgery cases, 1,849 outpatient registrations, 9,618 lab tests, 1,510 radiological procedures, 480 rehab treatments and 150 home health visits with 12 home health admissions. The days in account receivable during the month went up to 69 from 62 in July and days cash on hand went down to 65. The hospital had a cash decrease during the month of $1,539,092. Chief of Nursing Ashley Sullins gave the Acute Care Staffing by Patient Acuity report that showed the average acuity at 43 per day with an average of almost 15 patients per day. Hospital Administrator Kasey Lucas reported that as of September 23rd, there were 30 active COVID cases in Dent County with 34 probable cases. He said Dent County is currently showing 26.5% of the residents are completely vaccinated and 30.6% have initiated the series. Chief Operating Officer Jason Edwards said the “Dancing with the Salem Stars” Hospital Foundation Fundraiser is still scheduled for January 22nd at the High School Gym, but there are some COVID-19 concerns. He said the next foundation board meeting will be October 6th. He said program scope changes for the USDA Distance Learning and Telemedicine Program grant have been submitted and are being reviewed. He did say the hospital is scheduling demonstrations to rural schools while awaiting the USDA approval for purchase. Lucas gave the Health Fair numbers from the first 15 days of September. He said 181 patients registered for the fair with 169 getting the Health Fair panel, 53 getting the PSA test, 72 getting a thyroid test, 78 got the A1C test done, 38 had their Vitamin D checked, 21 patients had the bone density Dexa scan performed and 32 had the micro-albumin urine tests done. The board approved courtesy staff privileges for Barry Waack DO for the Emergency Department; Jourdan Aromin, MD in telepsych; and Grace Jackson, MD in telepsych. The Cerner Conversion continues at the hospital as they continue to monitor Paylocity, they continue their “train the trainer” weeks, and they will start the Microsoft Business Central on November 1st. The board approved the Time Critical Diagnosis Resolution in support of the hospital's Time Critical Diagnosis Designation for patients who experience stroke, trauma or STEMI. Administrator Lucas will recommend some changes to the Governing Board Bylaws before the October board meeting for the board to review. The board then went into closed session.
Congratulations to all these Salem High School students selected for the Central District All District Choir. The 2021 Honor Choir selections include Corby Ball, Christopher Harris, Irvin Johnson, Neely Leathers, Alyssa Russell, and Miles Skaggs. Congratulations also goes to Isaiah Connell who was selected for the 2021 Concert Choir.
Healthy Dent County’s 10th annual “Girls Night Out” event will be held Thursday, October 7th from 4:30 to 7:30 at the Salem Community Center @ the Armory. Attendees will experience shopping with unique vendors, prize giveaways, FREE samples, door prizes, food samples and many other exciting items. This event is limited to women and girls who are 12 years of age and older, and the admission fee is $5.00. Over 60 vendors will display and sell their products and services. Bring your girlfriends for an evening of pampering, shopping and eating. Bring in canned food or non-perishable food items for a chance to win a Gift Card. You get one ticket per item, so the more you donate, so does your chance to win the gift cards. Food donations will be given to the Sacred Heart Food Pantry and Grace Harbor. For more information or to be a vendor, contact Sherry at 729-8163 or sherry@salemcommunitycenter.org.