Local News – Thursday, September 20th, 2018
The Salem Memorial District Hospital regular board meeting was held Tuesday evening in the Hospital Library. Hospital Administrator Kasey Lucas introduced Todd Workman who is the Director of Facilities. He discussed with the board that he has changed some of the processes and continues to look for ways to cut costs such as changing soaps, sanitizers and paper towel dispensers. He presented photos of the improvements made such as the painting of the curbs and blocks, grounds work and landscaping, new paint and newly waxed floors in the Emergency Room waiting area, freshly painted halls with upgraded light fixtures, new plastic to protect walls in the Emergency Department and much more. The board thanked him for what he has already done and what he plans to do. In the summary of operations for the month of August, the hospital had 86 inpatient admissions with 273 inpatient census days. Patients per day in Acute Care came in at 8.8 in August. The hospital showed a gain from operations of $101,632 and revenues over expenses after taxes of $103,447. Cash decreased for the month by $607,370 as there were three payrolls covered in the month, and the days in net account receivables rose to 56 from 55 days last month. During the month, there were 826 emergency room visits to go with 258 ambulance runs with 180 patients being assessed, 31 surgery cases, 1,648 outpatient registrations, 298 home health visits, 8,088 lab tests, 1,155 radiological procedures including 48 mammograms and 667 rehab treatments. Debbie Hines gave the Chief of Nursing report and said this year in the Quality Improvement Program the hospital will concentrate on two focus areas: Transitions of Care and Patient Safety. The Hospital Auxiliary will be having Shoe Roads Productions at the hospital library on October 23rd. They will also help the mammography unit with the Pink Out Project. The Hospital Foundation will be holding their “Dancing with the Salem Stars” on January 26th at the Salem High School Gym and they need some female dancers. Call the hospital if you would like to dance at 729-6626. The foundation is still waiting on the federal government so that they can file for state tax exemption. Hospital Chief Operating Officer Chris Strickland said the hospital continues to be involved in numerous community sponsorships and will be part of numerous events like the Rose Holland Trout Derby and Oak Hill R-1 Career Day. They will have a Pink Out Night at the Salem High School football game with Mountain View-Liberty on October 12th. He also said the hospital will give 25 free mammograms to uninsured women 40 years of age and older. That day is tentatively scheduled for Friday, October 19th. Women can call the hospital to sign up for the free mammogram. The grand opening of the Mammography Unit will be Monday, October 1st at 10:00. The board approved the new courtesy staff privileges for three doctors from USA Radiology, and another four were approved for mammography privileges from USA Radiology. A Strategic Planning Meeting will be held October 19th through the 21st and the board approved the annual bylaw review with no changes. The board discussed changing the board meeting dates in October, November and December. The board members will check their schedules to help determine the best dates to have a quorum. The board then went into closed session.
The Salem R-80 Board of Education will hold their regular meeting at 6:00 this evening at the Salem District Administrative Offices Boardroom. At the meeting, the board will hear from Superintendent John McColloch about a facilities update and 5th grade science project before the principals from all the schools will give their reports. The school board will review and approve all previous minutes and bills, approve the food service report and attendance report and approve the substitute list. New business will include the approval of bus routes, special education compliance plan and approve a graduation date. The board will also consider MSBA 2018B policy updates and 2018-2019 budget amendments and also consider an easement agreement with the city of Salem. The meeting will adjourn and move into an executive session. The regular monthly meeting is open to the public.
The City of Salem Board of Aldermen will hold a special meeting this evening at the City Hall Council Chambers at 7:00. At the meeting, the board will discuss online surplus sales, discuss Bill #3399 that would create an ordinance for the mayor to execute an agreement between the City of Salem and H.W . Lochner, Inc. to provide the engineering services for the Salem Memorial Airport clearing and Grub Tree project supplemental agreement, and discuss Bill #3400 that would create an ordinance to authorize the mayor to execute a state block grant agreement between the City of Salem and the Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission for the Obstruction Removal (trees) for additional grant funds not to exceed $201,663. The meeting will then be adjourned.
Healthy Dent County will be presenting a “Fall Fest” Friday evening from 5:00 until 8:00 at the Salem High School Football game in an area by the front gate just below the practice football field. Activities will include a bounce house, corn toss, poke a pumpkin, witch ring toss, knockin’ down pumpkins, along with a football toss. A photo area will also be available. The event is free and fun for all ages. For more information about “Fall Fest,” call 729-8163.