Local News – Thursday, October 21st, 2021
The City of Salem Utility Committee met on Tuesday evening at the Salem Community Center @ the Armory. Several newly appointed committee members were in attendance. The committee got an update on the utility billing from Public Works Director Mark Nash. For the July 15th to August 15th bill there were originally 88 accounts that were on the disconnect list. As of Monday, 66 accounts had been brought up to date with only seven accounts currently being on the disconnect list. Budget billing customers will receive a letter explaining the 13.8% rate increase. There are currently 40 electric meters and 35 water meters that need to be replaced. The parts for the meters are on back order. The committee discussed eliminating the current 1% discount that is available if bills are paid by the 10th of each month. This small discount does not amount to a big discount for most customers but could bring in another $28,000 per year for the city. Chairman Shawn Bolerjack will provide data of how many accounts are residential and how many are commercial that this discount would affect and bring this info to the next committee meeting. A fee waiver policy was discussed for customers that pay via bill pay through their financial institution and the delay in the city getting the checks due to mail delays. It was determined that a policy wasn’t needed, but that the utility staff could not just charge the fee by noting the date on the banks check and not the date the check was received. Bolerjack explained the Request for Proposals for a utility billing audit has been sent out with several companies contacting the city with one company working on submitting a proposal. This will create an audit for the utility billing system by an independent firm. The committee discussed the recent issues that the city’s accounting software, Encode, has with integrating with the new AMI meter reading software. The Encode software is an old type of software and not compatible with many new systems that the city would like to add in the future. After hearing multiple examples of the company being hard to work with, the committee approved recommending the Board of Alderman put out a Request for Proposal for new utility billing software as well as new software accounting system. The committee reviewed a draft new utility bill layout and got a financial update. The committee also got an update on the new Eceleron Pre-Paid Project that will enable customers to pay their account online as well as review their usage. It was suggested that a survey of customers be done on social media to see how many customers would use this system.
An accident happened Tuesday evening around 6:20 in Texas County on Highway N four miles west of Licking. The report from the highway patrol states that a 2017 Suzuki being operated by 26-year-old Karl Holland of Licking impacted a ditch ejecting Holland from the bike. Holland suffered serious injuries and was taken by ambulance to Texas County Memorial Hospital. The Suzuki was removed from the scene by a private party.
It’s the just past the middle of October, and the Ozark Region is just beginning to feel a little like fall. Recent rains and slightly cooler temperatures have brought out more color across the landscape. Although the rolling forested hillsides are speckled with individual tree crowns of yellows and browns, the overall color remains greenish yellow. Scattered trees, mostly oaks, can also be seen with a slight hint of red and yellow showing. The hickories that were yellow last week have now turned brown, and some of their leaves have fallen off. Along the river and creek valleys, American sycamore, black walnut, maple, and elms are looking more autumnal. They are starting to show nice yellows and reds, and some trees are starting to drop their leaves. The best colors are to be found in the understory, below the main tree canopy. Here, black gum, dogwoods, and sassafras are showing a lot of red and purplish hues. Driving down tree-lined country roads offers good opportunities to slow down and enjoy the scenery. For more information on areas to enjoy fall color, to the Missouri Department of Conservation website at www.mdc.mo.gov and click on fall colors.
The Salem R-80 Board of Education will be meeting this evening at 5:00 in the High School Library. After the consent agenda the Board will hear communications. In new business the Board will discuss the debt service levy with Brad Wegman of LJ Hart Company, go over contract negotiation with ESP and Chris Salzman, consider MSBA 2021C Policy Update, consider a revised job description for payroll, and approve SRCSP with any revisions. Superintendent Dr. Lynne Reed will report on a variety of issues which include a COVID update, YOP, Missouri Hall of Fame presentation, McDaniels Bus Lane Ribbon Cutting and CSIP. The Superintendent’s report will be followed by principals’ reports, as well as the athletics and facilities report. The Board will hear resignations and then adjourn to closed session. The regular meeting of the Salem R-80 Board of Education this evening is open to the public.