Local News – Thursday, November 16th, 2017
The Salem Memorial District Hospital Board of Directors met for the regular meeting Tuesday evening at the hospital library. Chief Financial Officer Monica Gargus gave the summary of operations for October that showed the hospital had a loss from operations of $11,877 with an excess of expenses over revenues of $10,683. Inpatient admissions were at budget, while outpatient registrations were below budget. The cash flow statement showed an increase in cash of $489,421 for October with days in accounts receivable at 62. Gargus said the hospital is still waiting on the $300,000 Medicaid payment for some specific services that will reduce the days in accounts receivable once collected. Statistics for the month of October show inpatient admissions at 54 with inpatient census days at 162. There were 837 emergency room visits, 231 ambulance runs with 163 patients being transported to the hospital, 29 surgical procedures, 1,591 outpatient registrations, 201 home health visits, 7,482 lab tests, 1,017 radiological procedures and 555 rehab treatments. Days cash on hand for the hospital for this fiscal year currently stands at 88. This month, the qualityimprovement committee reviewed and discussed projects for Social Services, Medical Records, Cardiopulmonary, Pharmacy and the Business Office. Hospital Administrator Kasey Lucas announced that balcony tickets for the Dancing with the Salem Stars presented by the Hospital Foundation are all that remain and are available for $15 in advance. They will be $20 at the door. Please contact Ruth Ann Parker at 729-5414 or 247-8600. Lucas said the hospital auxiliary meeting had 10 members attend on November 7th and the holiday wreath sales promotion has ended, but if someone still has need to contact the hospital as they may have a few extra that would be available. The next auxiliary meeting will be December 5th at the Salem Community Center@The Armory at noon. Lucas reviewed the Chief of Staff’s report that recommended Courtesy Staff Privileges for Seth Bingman, DO in the Emergency Department and Nurelign Abebe, MD in Nephrology. The board approved those recommendations. Lucas announced the next hospital board meeting would be held Tuesday, December 12th at noon at the hospital library. He also reported election filing for District #5 currently held by Ray Bruno will also begin on December 12th and end on January 16th. The Board approved the purchase of two computer charting carts for the Dialysis Department from CompuCaddy for $2,028 and also approved the purchase of two Dell thin laptop computers from Paragon Micro for $1,160. The board then went into closed session.
The Salem R-80 Board of Education will conduct their November meeting tonight at the district administrative offices boardroom beginning at 6:00 pm. After approval of the agenda and communications, Superintendent John McColloch will update the Board with parent/teacher conferences, annual performance report, and an RTI presentation. Principals from William Lynch Elementary, the Upper Elementary, the Salem Middle School and Salem Senior High school will update the Board on various events and happenings at each of the schools. The Board will then approve the Auditor’s report, set board election filing dates, consider board policy updates and consider construction trades program. The Board will review resignations before going closed session for the purpose of discussing personnel. The regular meeting of the Salem R-80 Board of Education is open to the public.
The City of Salem’s Park & Recreation Board will hold a meeting Thursday at 7:00 p.m. at the Salem Community Center @ the Armory. After the roll call, the previous meeting minutes will be reviewed and approved. Park and Recreation Director Tye Lydon will report on the youth basketball signups, give a baseball equipment update, discuss a proposed opening day ceremony for baseball and softball, and give a facilities update. Work at the Alice Lou Craig Municipal Pool and the pump room as well as the pool house will be discussed. Miscellaneous items will be discussed and the meeting will be adjourned. The meeting of the Salem Park & Recreation Board on Thursday at 7:00 is open to the public.
Salem Public Library patrons have the opportunity to wipe out library fines and hunger simultaneously! Nonperishable food items will be collected at the library through Saturday November 18. The library will forgive $1 in fines, up to $5, for each item donated during that week. The food will be given to His Place for distribution. Donations exceeding a patron's fine will not result in library credit."
The Salem Quiz Bowl Teams competed in the Houston Annual Invitational Tournament on Saturday that featured a total of 30 teams. The Salem JV Quiz Bowl Team played in the Standard Bracket and captured 2nd place coming in behind the Licking Varsity Quiz Bowl team. The JV team players included Emma Schott, Katrina Parks, Brecklyn Holtz, martin Jones and Marlene Shuh. Katrina Parks took the 2nd Place Overall Individual medal in the Standard Division. The Salem Varsity Quiz Bowl Team participated in the Competitive Bracket which is reserved for teams that have either won a District or State title. The Salem Varsity Team came in 5th in the Competitive Bracket with Arley Gale taking a 4th Place Individual medal and Richard Parks earned a 6th Place Individual medal in that bracket. The Salem Varsity Quiz Bowl team is made up of Richard Parks, Arley Gale, Jacob Stacy, Jordan Rusk and Jordan Fulton. Rolla won the Competitive Bracket with Thayer taking 2nd place. The Salem Quiz Bowl teams are coached by Susan Sheeley and Will Hubbs.