Local News – Thursday, November 15th, 2018
The Salem Memorial District Hospital regular board meeting was held Tuesday evening in the Hospital Library. Hospital Administrator Kasey Lucas introduced Ashley Sullins, the Director of Home Health who gave her report for the time period of April through September. She said she has two full-time RN’s and a full time LPN in her department. In the surveys received, Home Health graded out with an 87% in overall rating of care, 83% in the likelihood of being recommended, received an 86% rating in the care of patients and 94.4% in the timeliness of admissions. Home Health had income for the April through September period of $386,791 and showed an excess of revenues over expenses of $129,785. Sullins showed the star ratings and patient satisfaction for all the home health agencies in the surrounding area and only SMDH and Home Health of the Ozarks received the top score of 5. In the summary of operations for the month of October, the hospital had 119 inpatient admissions with 356 inpatient census days. Patients per day in Acute Care came in at 11.5 in October. The hospital showed a gain from operations of $173,542 and revenues over expenses after taxes of $174,841. Cash decreased for the month by $228,880, and the days in net account receivables rose to 61 from 59 days last month. It was noted that accounts receivable rose during the month as the billing process was three weeks behind at the beginning of the month, but the coders have caught up and are just three days out. During the month, there were 808 emergency room visits to go with 245 ambulance runs with 173 patients being assessed, 27 surgery cases, 2,053 outpatient registrations, 341 home health visits, 11,597 lab tests, 1,366 radiological procedures and 790 rehab treatments. Chief of Nursing Debbie Hines gave the updated report on the Quality Improvement Program where the hospital is focusing on two areas: Transitions of Care and Patient Safety. The Hospital Auxiliary met and had eight members present where they discussed fundraisers for the 2019 season. Their next meeting will be December 4th at JB Malones at noon and it is “Bring a Friend” Day. The Hospital Foundation will begin selling table sponsorships for the “Dancing with the Salem Stars” at $300 per table. Hospital COO Chris Strickland said he would begin sending out mailers and e-mails to sponsors for the golf tournament to be held in June. The next meeting of the Foundation Board will be November 28th. Strickland went on to report that in October a total of 30 free mammograms were completed and a total of over 180 have been done since September 1st. He said the hospital will be heavily involved in the Honoring Our Heroes Marathon this Saturday, is working on Project Rise with Healthy Dent County, handed out candy on Halloween, and had a very good visit with the PCRMC Dent Clinic personnel showing them the services available at SMDH. The board approved the medical staff recommendation for active staff privileges for Hatem Hamed, MD, and approved the purchase of a new Video Tower Machine from Olympus Corp of America for the Surgery Department for $66,207. The board was made aware that the Long-Term Care State Survey plan of correction had been submitted and approved, and the next Board of Directors meeting would be held December 11th at noon. They also said election filing for District 6 will be held from December 11th to January 15th. This is the position currently held by George Gruendel. The board then went into closed session.
Preliminary data from the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) shows that deer hunters in Missouri harvested 99,567 deer during the opening weekend of the November portion of the fall firearms deer season. Of the 99,567 deer harvested, 55,887 were antlered bucks, 9,573 were button bucks, and 34,107 were does. Top harvest counties for opening weekend were Franklin with 2,057 deer checked, Callaway with 1,971, and Benton County with 1,875. Dent County had 764 antlered bucks checked, 163 button bucks and 602 does for a total of 1,529 deer harvested. Last year, statewide, hunters checked a total 94,886 deer during the opening weekend of the 2017 November portion of firearms deer season. The November portion of fall firearms deer seasons continues through November 20th. Archery deer season opens again November 21st through January 15th, 2019. The late youth portion runs November 23rd through the 25th. The alternative methods portion runs December 22nd through January 1st, 2019.
The Salem Public Library “Food for Fines” Food Drive continues through this Saturday, November 17th. Patrons have the opportunity to wipe out library fines and hunger simultaneously! The Library will collect nonperishable food items such as can goods or packaged food products. The library will forgive $1 in fines for each item donated up to a total of $5. The food collected will be given to St. Vincent de Paul through Sacred Heart Catholic Church for distribution. Again, the food will be collected and fines forgiven only through this Saturday, November 17th.
You can learn how to crochet this Friday night at the Creative Arts Center from 6:30 to 8:30 with Kathy O’Dell. The cost is $25 per person which covers all the materials and you can make your reservations at the Ozark Natural and Cultural Resource Center or reserve your spot by calling 247-0279.