Local News – Thursday, November 11th, 2021
The City of Salem Board of Aldermen met for the regular meeting Tuesday evening at the City Hall Council Chambers. The board approved Resolution #32-2021 that called for a local Municipal election to be held on April 5th, 2022 to determine two West Ward Aldermen, an East Ward Aldermen as well as a mayor. A question was asked about two candidates running for the West Ward positions in the same election for two years, but it was noted that one of the positions should only be for one year as Alderman Kevin James was appointed after the death of Alderman Nash. This will be discussed again at the next meeting. Salem and Dent County Economic Development Director Sally Burbridge said she has updated the Incentives and Resources Page on the City of Salem Economic Development Webpage along with Labor and Wages, Large Employers and more. She did say the Dent County unemployment rate for September was 2.7%. City Administrator Ray Walden reported the Salem Community Center@The Armory had 4,157 participants in October, that the city offices would be closed on today for Veteran’s Day, and then he introduced Stacy Houston as the new city finance director. Archer-Elgin Manager Jeff Meadows updated the board on a number of projects including the sewer extension on Highway 72 to the hospital which is waiting on materials, two lift stations are complete even though one needs a new high water sensor, and the city has water, sewer and electric mapping going on now. Mayor Kim Steelman said that she will not be seeking re-election as she wants to focus more time on her family, and Alderman Kevin James said he would be resigning after the December 14th meeting due to the change in his work schedule. Public Works Director Mark Nash said the water and sewer department has been flushing hydrants, fixed a water leak at Grand and Thomas Streets and have replaced a couple of water lines. Nash said that last year through October of 2020, the city had used 31,013,000 gallons of water while this year’s total is 20,846,000 gallons, a savings of over 10 million gallons. Nash said there 81 disconnects from October with 65 of them back on as of Tuesday afternoon. Park and Recreation Director Melissa DuBois said the Youth Basketball Signups are going on now through the 20th for $25 per boy or girl in the 1st through 6th grade, and $35 for a cheerleader in same age bracket. There will be an additional ten dollar late charge per child for those who register their children after the 20th and before November 30th. She also said “Light up the Park” will be held December 4th through the 31st at the Salem City Park and businesses who want to have a display at the event need to contact DuBois at 729-6290. Alderman Shawn Bolerjack said the Missouri Public Utility Alliance sent the city a letter stating that natural gas prices are expected to be higher for the upcoming winter season. Alderman Greg Parker did report that he would be running again in April. Auditor Kristen Deluca gave the report on the city audit from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020. She said the city received an unmodified opinion which the best a municipality can get. She said the books were fairly stated and the city ended with a net position of $10,429,940 from government and business services. Deluca told the board that the statements break down each department and service the city offers. She did say the city does not have enough people to separate duties, but that is common with small towns, and that a bank account was not reconciled for almost six months. But overall, Deluca said the audit was very good. The board then went into closed session to discuss contracts.
A one vehicle accident happened Tuesday evening at 6:40 on Dent County Road 2410 about six miles west of Salem. The highway patrol report states that a 1996 Ford Ranger being by 18-year-old Jasper Weber of Salem was traveling west when he attempted a 90 degree turn at speeds too fast for conditions. The Ford traveled off the left side the roadway and overturned. A passenger, a 16-year-old female from Salem, was taken by a private vehicle to Salem Memorial District Hospital for treatment of minor injuries. The Ford sustained extensive damage and was removed from the scene by Whitakers Towing. The report went on to state that Weber was wearing a seat restraint while the occupant was not.
With the most popular weekend for most Missouri deer hunters coming up this weekend, the Missouri Department of Conservation says deer numbers look good. According to MDC, this season’s harvest should be higher than average due to increasing deer numbers across most of the state coupled with increased firearms antlerless permit availability in a number of counties and an extension of the antlerless portion. Hunters typically harvest between a quarter to a third of the state’s total annual deer harvest during those two days. Hunters harvested a total of 297,214 deer during the 2020-2021 deer season. Of that total, 80,744 were taken during opening weekend of the November portion, about 27 percent of the total harvest. Missouri’s archery deer and turkey season continues through November 12th and resumes November 24th through January 15th, 2022. The November portion of firearms deer season runs November 13th through November 23rd followed by the late youth portion November 26th through the 28th. The antlerless portion of firearms deer season runs December 4th through December 12th followed by the alternative methods portion December 25th through January 4th, 2022. Learn more about deer hunting in Missouri online at mdc.mo.gov and get more information on deer hunting and CWD from MDC’s 2021 Fall Deer & Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information booklet, available where hunting permits are sold and online.
The Creative Arts Center is giving you the chance to Paint Like Monet! This will be a Palette knife Paint-N-Sip tonight from 6:00 until 8:30 for persons age 13 through adult at the Creative Arts Center. Tana Kettner and Wanda Nickles, both professional artists /retired art teachers will lead the class. The cost is $25 per person with all supplies provided. For more information call 247-0651 or 247-5306, or email salemartscouncil@outlook.com.
The Salem Public Library is holding its annual food drive at 4th and Jackson Streets through November 20th during regular business hours. The food that is collected will be donated to Grace Harbor. Please leave at the library only in date and non-perishable foods and please do not drop off dented or rusty cans. For more information, call the library at 729-4331.