Local News – Thursday, May 30th, 2024
The Salem Board of Alderman met at the City Hall Auditorium on Tuesday evening for their regular meeting. The board approved the request by Burgendee Lytle to have 4th, 5th and Iron streets around the courthouse square closed for Summerfest on June 8th. Summerfest will be from noon until 6:00 PM and the streets will be closed starting at 10:30 that morning. The board approved allowing Josh Kotschedoff to spend no more than $20,000 each on transformers and electric poles when ordering them as market conditions are changing daily. There was no motion made by the board on the TAP Downtown Project bids and it died for lack of a motion. In new and miscellaneous business, the board approved Resolution #12-2024 allowing the mayor to execute a one-year memorandum of understanding between the City of Salem and Missouri State Universtity-West Plains Adult Education and Literacy program allowing for AEL Education to be held at 202 North Washington Street in the old city hall basement. The board approved Bill #3609 amending the city code of Salem regarding the creation and membership of the Airport Advisory Board. City of Salem Finance Director Stacey Houston stated sales tax revenue receipts in May were up nine percent and year-to-date, the sales tax numbers are up about one percent. She stated that water and electric consumption were down in April. The cost of power in April to the city was $3.852 million dollars as revenues billed from electric usage were $6.055 million dollars. At the end of April, the total of the fund balances of all city funds was $10,134,925. Houston said the city has received 72% of their budgeted revenues and have expended 62% of what was budgeted. The board then went into closed session.
The Missouri Highway Patrol has released preliminary reports which indicate there were seven traffic fatalities, no boating fatalities, and no drownings over Memorial Day Weekend. The 2024 Memorial Day weekend counting period began at 6:00 Friday evening and ran through 11:59 Monday night. During the counting period the State Highway Patrol troopers investigated 275 traffic crashes resulting in 161 injuries and 7 fatalities. The Patrol made 128 DWI arrests. Boating statistics indicate that there were 7 crashes resulting in 7 injuries and the Patrol made 6 BWI arrests.
The draft Fiscal Year 2025 through 2029 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program or STIP, from the Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission, is wrapping up its 30-day public review and comment period. In the past 10 years, MoDOT and its construction partners have completed 4,206 projects with a program value of $11.1 billion, but it wasdelivered $536 million below budget and 93% on time. The draft FY 2025 through 2029 STIP lists transportation projects planned by state and regional planning agencies for fiscal years 2025-2029 and reflects the transportation needs of communities across the state. In Dent County, there are four projects in the STIP including pavement preservation on Route K from Highway 19 to Route KK, and also on Route J in Salem from Highway 32 to Highway 72; bridge improvement on Route B over Dry Creek; bridge improvement on Highway 19 over Spring Creek; and the upgrading of the pedestrian facilities to meet the ADA transition plan on Highway 32 and 19.Those interested in offering comments can contact MoDOT by email at STIPcomments@modot.mo.gov, by calling customer service at 1-888-ASK-MoDOT (275-6636), or by mail to Transportation Planning, Program Comments, P.O. Box 270, Jefferson City, MO 65102. The program is also available on MoDOT’s website: modot.org/DRAFTSTIP. The formal comment period ends TODAY!!
The Creative Arts Council is offering a Summertime Front Porch Sign & Wine this Friday from 6:30 unti 9:00 with Danielle Norris. It’s a great time to decorate your front porch!! For those who did Spring porch signs (or prior fall or winter signs), come back and decorate the back of your sign for Summertime! Or you can do this as a stand alone event, and make your very own front porch sign! They use stencils and tracing paper to create their very own one of a kind design to match your decor and tastes. So get those ideas together and come learn how to create your sign step by step. The artist is very hands on, and will help you make it yours! If you are a repeat attendee, bring your board back or if you have your own board, the cost of the class is $20. If you are a new attendee and will be needing a board, the class cost is $35. A minimum of six people are needed to hold the class and it will be limited to 16. Signup at the Salem Area Community Betterment Association website, go to the Creative Arts Center link and look under programs.
The City Salem’s Capital Improvements will hold a workshop tonight at 6:00 at the Salem Community Center@the Armory. The meeting has been called for the introduction of City of Salem budgets and to review proposed FY24-25 Capital Improvement Projects. The meeting was called by Alderman Shawn Bolerjack, Chairman.