Local News – Thursday, May 2nd, 2019
This Saturday will be the Community Wide Yard Sale in Salem as yard sales will be occurring all over town and out in the county. Maps for the location of local yard sales will be available at the city administration building and the Visitor’s Center. A central sale location will be held at the city administration building on Saturday. You can still reserve a space on the city parking lot at 4th and Iron Street for $8.00 per space by calling 729-4811. Those spaces are reserved on a first come, first serve basis. A list of the reserved spaces with names will be taped to the building door the morning of the City Wide Yard Sale. Don’t forget that the following two weeks in the City of Salem will be the Spring Clean-Up Weeks where an unlimited amount of trash can be placed curb side to be picked up including refrigerators, washers, dryers, and more. Remember, tires, car batteries, oil and paint cannot be picked up. If anyone has questions about what can be or cannot be picked up, they are welcome to contact WCA.
The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) encourages homeowners and landscapers to avoid planting Callery pear trees this spring. Though these trees bear beautiful white flowers in the springtime, looks can be deceiving. The Callery pear tree is often found for sale as Bradford pear, Cleveland Select, Autumn Blaze, or Aristocrat. It is a highly invasive species that multiplies quickly, flourishes in a variety of poor growing conditions, and reduces biodiversity by crowding out native Missouri plants. The trees were introduced as ornamental landscape trees in the 1960s and became popular because they were inexpensive, grew relatively fast, and provided beautiful blooms. However, the species has since become notorious for its poor branch structure, cross pollination problems, and that stinky smell. Forestry Field Program Supervisor Russell Hinnah says that the different varieties of these ornamental pear trees were planted close to each other, which allowed them to cross pollinate and take over natural areas. But they’re also a poor landscaping choice because they don’t do well in storms, often losing limbs or splitting apart. MDC urges Missourians to remove pear trees and plant native trees instead. Hinnah continued, the best plan is to select species native to Missouri and there are several great options. Serviceberry trees produce similar showy white blooms in the spring and have small red fruits that attract wildlife. Other great alternatives include American plum, hawthorn, eastern redbud and Missouri’s state tree, the flowering dogwood. Hawthorns provide bountiful fruit and attractive fall color. Dogwoods thrive in shady areas but can be difficult to grow. To learn about native trees for landscaping, planting tips, backyard tree care and more, visit mdc.mo.gov/trees-plants/tree-care.
Come to Echo Bluff State Park for a Dark Sky Astronomy Program this Saturday from 7:30 to 9:30. Everyone can meet on the “Sky Porch” at Bluff Top Pavilion parking lot. The Dent County Astronomers will have their scopes set up and ready to view constellations and the Milky Way. Learn about how light pollution obstructs our view of the sky in cities and towns around the world and what we can do to keep our skies dark. Be sure to dress for the weather as it can still get chilly this time of year. This event is free and open to the public. Echo Bluff State Park is located on Highway 19 about 25 miles south of Salem and approximately 14 miles north of Eminence. For more information about this and other events at the park call 573-751-1224.