Local News – Thursday, June 6th, 2017

The Dent County Sheriff’s Department released reports for the end of June involving a suspicious vehicle, trespassing, theft from a vehicle, and traffic stops. On Tuesday, June 27th, deputies responded to the 400 block of county road 2270 for a suspicious vehicle. Upon speaking with the passengers, it was discovered that one had three warrants for his arrest. As a result, 35-year old James Bergan of Farmington was arrested and taken to the Dent County Jail. His warrants were for driving while revoked, failure to wear a seat belt, and possessing a fictitious driver’s license. He was incarcerated and held on a total of $800 cash only bond. He later posted bond. On Wednesday, June 28th, deputies responded to county road 2270 for a report of a female beating on the basement door and yelling at residents. After an investigation, 51-year old Tonya Tucker of Salem was arrested, transported to the Dent County Sheriff’s Office, issued a citation for Trespassing-1st Degree, and released. That same day deputies responded to county road 5700 for a report of theft out of a vehicle. Prescription medication and a debit card were taken from a vehicle parked at a residence and the report is still under investigation. On Thursday, June 29th, deputies took a report of property damage on county road 6490. A SAM (Speed Awareness Monitor) trailer on the edge of the county road had been shot with a rifle the middle of the LED display and the report is still under investigation. Also on that Thursday, deputies conducted a traffic stop on South McArthur Street near Hunt. As a result, 35-year old James Bergan of Farmington was arrested for driving while intoxicated and transported to the Dent County Sheriff’s Office. He was fingerprinted, issued summons, and released. On Friday, June 30th, deputies conducted a traffic stop in the KFC/Taco Bell parking lot. As a result, 34-year old Christopher Roberts of Salem was arrested on misdemeanor failure to appear warrant. He was taken to the Dent County Jail and allowed to post bond. Anyone with any information regarding any ongoing investigation is asked to call the Dent County Sheriff’s Department at 729-3241.

The Missouri State Highway Patrol reports 14 people died in traffic crashes, no one died in a boating crash, and there were no drownings during the 2017 July Fourth holiday counting period. The counting period began at 6:00 pm, Friday, June 30th, and ended at 11:59 pm, Tuesday, July 4th. The Missouri State Highway Patrol reports the 2017 July 4th holiday traffic statistics consisted of 494 crashes with 186 injuries and 14 fatalities. There were a total of 172 arrests for DWI and 118 drug arrests. The July 4th holiday boating statistics included 7 boating crashes with 4 injuries. There were a total of 23 arrests for BWI and 33 drug arrests while boating. In 2016, five people were killed and 565 injured in Missouri over the holiday in 1,370 traffic crashes. Over the 2016 July Fourth holiday, troopers arrested 121 people for driving while intoxicated. Troopers investigated 11 boating crashes including 6 injuries and zero fatalities during the 2016 July Fourth holiday weekend. No one drowned during last year’s holiday. Troopers arrested 11 people for boating while intoxicated over the 2016 July Fourth holiday. In 2016, troopers also made 122 drug arrests during the July Fourth Holiday.

Anyone interested in learning about Dutch oven cooking is invited to a free demonstration this Saturday, July 8th at Echo Bluff State Park which is located about 25 miles south of Salem. The demonstration will be held from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the park’s amphitheater. Participants will learn how early settlers cooked over an open fire and all the tips and tricks that can be used today to successfully cook with a Dutch oven. Missouri State Parks is celebrating 100 years in 2017. Visitors can experience all the park system has to offer with the Centennial Passport. Visit mostateparks.com/passport for more information. Echo Bluff State Park is located on Highway 19 approximately 25 miles south of Salem and 14 miles north of Eminence. For more information about the event, call the park at (573) 751-1224. For more information on state parks and historic sites, visit mostateparks.com. Missouri State Parks is a division of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.

On Monday morning at the Dent County Courthouse, there was a public hearing to amend the Drug Court Fund budget and Juvenile budget was held with Sid Pearson, Circuit Judge; Nick Hutchison, Chief Juvenile Officer; and Teresa Booker, Juvenile Secretary. The Drug Court revenues were increased to $9,170. and expenses were increased to $20,000. The Juvenile budget expense was increased to $57,695.44. Both budget requests were made by the Circuit Judges Division I & II to correct the error to what should have been requested by the Juvenile and Drug Court departments. The amendment was approved by the commission. Also Commissioner Purcell wanted to purchase a 2005 dump truck for $70,000 for the road department from Ryan Truck Sales in Waynesville to replace the truck that was totaled. He has truck comparisons. The county received an insurance check for the totaled truck in the amount of $68,000.00. The commission agreed to purchase the truck. The Commissioners then went into closed session to discuss contracts and after a discussion, voted 3-0 to accept and sign the Septagon agreement for Construction Manager on the Jail Project.