Local News – Thursday, June 4th, 2020
The Salem Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting Monday at the City Hall Council Chambers. The board heard from Bill Parsons who asked permission to close a portion of East 4th Street from Water Street to Pershing Avenue and Water Street from East 4th Street to East 3rd Street for their annual street fest. The board approved his request. After the consent agenda was approved, City Administrator Ray Walden reported that FEMA has funds available for new flood plain maps that would be online and interactive. Walden said a public hearing on the flood plain would be held at a later date. He said there would be a Planning and Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting on June 15th at 6:00 in the Council Chambers. Walden said the consultant report just arrived and would be sent out to the alderman for their review. He also said the Missouri S & T Project Management Class has sent their project report and that will also be available for anyone who would like to review it. Walden said the city offices were able to get out about 1,000 utility bills last week and have ramped up their efforts this week to get out the remaining 1,700 as soon as possible. Mayor Brad Nash said a written statement on the utility situation and a frequently asked question page will be posted on the city’s Facebook page. Alderwoman Kim Steelman asked City Administrator Walden to describe the problem of the integration of two different softwares. She said they were assured by the AMI company that the software was compatible as they have worked together before in other cities, but the Encoder Billing Software Salem has can’t interpret the read files and the companies are working at finding the solution to that problem. The city put out a request for qualifications for an auditor and the only response the city received was from their current auditor, Kristen Deluca of K Deluca Auditing. Salem Park and Recreation Director Melissa DuBois asked the alderman if there would be an ordinance created that would protect the city concession stand in the Salem City Park from food and ice cream trucks. She said with the reduction in Sales Tax this year, the Park and Recreation Department needs every penny they can get and that includes concessions in order to continue to offer the programs they do. The Board approved Resolution #12-2020 that is an agreement with the city and N.B. West Contracting to provide nova chips for the installation of approximately 40,000 square yards on various streets at $7.50 a square yard through August. Alderman James wanted to make sure the city got their 40,000 square yards and Public Works Director Mark Nash said the trucks hauling the material are weighed before and after they are filled with material and that is put on a ticket that must be presented at the job. He will keep track of those tickets. The board approved Resolution #13-2020 which is an agreement with the Dent County Commons for the discharging of fireworks for $1,500 and also to provide grass cutting services and more. The board asked if that could be moved to a different location like the city park, but Mayor Nash says new fire regulations have eliminated virtually every location in town. The board approved Bill #3450 that prohibits ice cream trucks, food trucks, food trailers and carts to sell food or refreshments in the Salem City Park without authorization from the Park and Rec Director or City Administrator. Alderman James also said an ordinance on excessive noise needs to be considered as he knows some of the vendors have had generators that have a noise level over 85 decibels in their trucks which is above industry acceptable levels without ear protection. He also said he would like to have the previous bill apply to more than just the city parks and include other city properties. The meeting was then adjourned.
The Dent County Commission and Meramec Regional Planning Commission will be hosting a meeting for county departments, the city of Salem, political subdivisions and public entities qualified for CARES Act funding this afternoon at 1:00 at the Salem Community Center@ the Armory located at 1200 W. Rolla Road in Salem. The purpose of the meeting is to provide guidance on the CARES Act, discuss eligible expenses and the application process, specific to Dent County’s funding. They will NOT be discussing business grants at this meeting as that process is still being researched. The meeting is open to everyone who is interested.
City of Salem Public Works Director Mark Nash said there will be no water sales at 3rd and Grand Streets at the city water department building until further notice. A pump has to be replaced and he will let the public know when water will be available again for sale.