Local News – Thursday, June 20th, 2019
The Salem Memorial District Hospital Board of Directors met for the regular meeting Tuesday at the hospital library. Sara Barton told the Board about her family’s difficulties as they care for her mother who is struggling with Alzheimer’s and Dementia. She said she learned that there is a four year waiting list for the Long Term Care at SMDH and that she was considering seeking care for her mother in Steelville, because she was not confident in other institutions in Salem. Barton sought the Hospital’s advice and wondered why SMDH could not expand the Long Term Care Unit. Administrator Casey Lucas explained to Barton that Medicare standards require 80% occupancy in order to expand, but percentage is based on the entire county, which has an occupancy rate at about 66%. COO Chris Strickland said that Federal Regulations are the determining factor. Lucas said he’d search for possible answers and options. Strickland said to contact legislators and explain how dire the situation is. Deborah Hobson, EMS Director, explained the department changes and improvements with emphasis on technology and staffing improvements over the last 15 years. She also went over changes in treatment and procedures, EMS roles and duties, and ambulance calls which have increased from less than 1,500 to over 2,400 per year. Jason Mayberry, Emergency Department Director, said that he has worked for over 18 years in emergency departments in small hospitals, as well as large hospitals, and SMDH has the busiest emergency department he has worked in. He said the department sees 9,250 to 9,800 patients per year with an average of 25 to 27 per day. Mayberry said that on the highest volume day there were 50 patients through the department. In the summary of operations for May, Lucas reported on the gain from operations of $156,314 with an excess of revenues over expenses of $159,926 for the month. In May there were 95 patients admitted to the hospital and the number of acute care patients per day for May came in at 15.4. Inpatient Census Days for medical and surgery patients during May were 301 reported. The cash flow statement showed a decrease in cash of $116,221 for the month with days in accounts receivable increasing to 60. Chief Nursing Officer Debbie Hines said that the hospital is short nurses so they are using “agency” nurses and that those nurses have generally been positive and contributing to morale and operation. She said that in the month of May the department changed to an Acute Care Staffing by Patient Acuity system which showed average acuity per day at 32.4 and average patients per day at 14.8. Hines noted that when compared year to year the Hospital is seeing sicker patients each year over the last three years. The days cash-on-hand for the hospital stands at 60 year-to-date and that is consistent with the Critical Access Hospital state average of 65 for Critical Access Hospitals and equal to the rural hospital average of 60. Hospital Administrator Kasey Lucas said the Hospital Auxiliary did not meet and they will be meeting September 3rd. Chief Operating Officer Chris Strickland reported on the hospital foundation and the very successful Annual Foundation Golf Tournament held on June 7th at the Spring Creek Golf Club. He said that approximately $18,500 was raised, which exceeds last year by more that $6,000. Strickland said the “Wings and Strings” fundraiser on August 3rd is progressing nicely, plus the goal is for 1,500 attending. He said the next meeting of the Hospital Foundation will be August 7th. Strickland, who was attending his last board meeting as he’s returning to Texas, noted that the Community Marketing and Perception had ongoing support groups for Stroke and Diabetes, plus Jason Mayberry and Cathy Haynes would be presenters during the Kids Summer Camp. The FY’20 Operating Budget and FY’20 Capital Budgets were approved. Lucas updated the board on the expansion project. He said design wrap-up was expected by mid July, with SMDH approving the final design by mid September. The goal is for bids to go out October 1st with bid approval being November 1st. Renovation bids were approved for the Long Term Care central bath and restroom and the patient room window replacements. The Board approved purchase of an EPOC Reader replacement from Fisher Healthcare for $7,300, a Urinalysis Analyzer replacement for $8,511 from McKesson, and an ambulance from American Response Vehicle for $170,644 before going into closed session.
The City of Salem Planning and Zoning Board of Commissioners will hold a workshop Monday, June 24th, at 6:00 in the City Hall Council Chambers to continue the review of the proposed zoning updates to Missouri Amendment 2. The meeting, called by Planning and Zoning Chairman Gary Brown, is open to the public.