Local News – Thursday, July 20th, 2017
The Salem Memorial District Hospital Board of Directors met for the regular meeting Tuesday evening at the hospital library. Chief Financial Officer Monica Gargus gave the summary of operations for June that showed the hospital had a loss from operations of $186,361 with an excess of expenses over revenues of $183,000. Much of that loss came from an auditors’ adjustment of $250,000. Inpatient admissions were up from last month but below budget, while outpatient registrations were down from last month but over budget. The hospital also received an insurance rebate during the month. The cash flow statement showed a decrease in cash of $138,134 for the month with days in accounts receivable at 56. Chief Nursing Officer Debbie Hines reported during the month there were 59 acute care admissions, 722 emergency room visits with an average turnaround time of 125 minutes. Also during the month, there were 205 ambulance runs with 146 patients being transported to the hospital, 14 surgery services, 1,634 outpatient registrations, 229 home health visits, 9,357 lab tests, 1,051 radiological procedures, 233 CT scans, 32 MRI scans, 8 nuclear med scans, 688 rehab treatments, 149 dialysis treatments and 269 clinical visits. Hospital Administrator Kasey Lucas went over the Emergency Room quarterly surveys for April through June of 2017. A total of 191 surveys were returned and the results about the treatment patients received were at least 93% and 100% in most categories from being treated professionally as were the explanation of the findings by the doctor. The SMDH Family Medicine Clinic Survey results for the second quarter were also reviewed and they were excellent with 100% in every category. A total of 69 surveys were returned for the second quarter. In the Chief of Staff report, Courtesy Staff privileges were approved for psychiatrist Bun Tee Co, MD for Long Term Care who will do most of his interviews through Telehealth. The SMDH Foundation will have their “Dancing with the Salem Stars” event on December 9th. The hospital auxiliary will have their Masquerade and Jewelry Sale on August 31st and September 1st at the Dent County Fire Station. The board discussed and then approved sending the City of Salem a letter of intent to be added on their sewer system with the new expansion with a request to the city to assist them if possible, in the elimination of their lagoon. Administrator Lucas said the cost to close the lagoon could cost the hospital between $20,000 and $25,000. The board set the public tax meeting for Tuesday, August 22nd at 5:45 to set the tax llevy for the next year. The board also selected the new officers for the new fiscal year and they are A. J Seay as Chairman, George Gruendel as Vice-Chairman and Sue Terry as Secretary. The board approved the purchase of 25 thin client Dell computers from ParagonMicro for a total of $7,402 before going into closed session.
The 2017 4-H/FFA Expo continued thru Saturday, July 22nd at the Commons located on Highway 72 in Salem. Today the livestock weigh-ins begin at 12:30, Achievement Day events start at 5:00 pm and there will be family entertainment from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Family entertainment will include frog jumping, youth relay races, the nickel scramble, a peewee stick horse race, chicken race, tug of war, turtle races and a pet fashion show. On Friday, July 21st the hog show starts at 7:00 am, the sheep/goat show will be at 1:30, the small animal show is at 3:00 and the beef/dairy show will be at 4:00. Family games will be from 7:00 to 9:00. Then on Saturday, July 22nd the FFA tractor pull will be start at 9:00 am with the Market Sale luncheon at noon followed by the 4-H/FFA market sale at 1:00 and will be broadcast live on KSMO 1340 AM. Everyone is invited out to the 2017 4-H/FFA Expo. Admission is free and there will also be a variety of food available from local food vendors.
As Missourians repair or rebuild their homes damaged by the flooding and severe storms that occurred April 28-May 11, 2017, FEMA and home improvement stores in the state are teaming up to provide free information, tips and literature on making homes stronger and safer. Federal Emergency Management Agency mitigation specialists will be on hand to answer questions and offer home improvement tips along with proven methods to prevent or reduce damage from future disasters as well as offer tips and techniques to build hazard-resistant homes. Most of the information and the free publications provided are geared to do-it-yourself work and general contractors. Recovery topics covered include flood insurance, elevating utilities and rebuilding flooded homes. FEMA advisors will be available at Meeks Lumber at 200 West 8th Street in Rolla today through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday, July 24th from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on Tuesday morning, July 25th from 7:00 a.m. to noon.
The Salem R-80 Board of Education will conduct their July meeting tonight in the boardroom beginning at 6:00 pm. After approval or the agendas and communications, Superintendent John McColloch will update the Board with the open house dates and times and he will also be giving an update on facilities projects. In new business, the Board will be approving bids for milk, bread, food and supply, fuel and pest control for the upcoming school year. The Board will then set a tax rate hearing and well as their regular August Board meeting date. The Board will be considering the Dent County Preschool Transportation Agreement and a Chromebook Policy/Handbook. The Board may then vote to go into closed session for the purpose of discussing personnel. The July meeting of the Salem R-80 Board of Education is open to the public.