Local News – Thursday, January 4th, 2024
The Dent County Health Center (DCHC) Board of Trustees held their regular meeting Thursday, December 21st. The minutes of the December 18th budget meeting were approved followed by Administrator Zach Moser’s report. The Communicable Disease Report showed that there were 128 cases of COVID19 reported in November, plus 38 lead cases, 17 sexually transmitted infection screenings, nine cases of Influenza and three animal bites. In the diagnostics report, Moser said 164 blood draw appointments were completed in November, plus there were 41 COVID tests and six lead tests performed. COVID-19 vaccinations totaled 116, while there were 130 influenza doses and 60 other vaccinations administered. A total of 573 appointments were held during November, plus WIC appointments totaled 302. There were no Show-Me Healthy Women appointments, while there were seven Title X Family Planning appointments. Assistant Administrator Roma Jones gave the environmental report where nine total inspections were conducted. There was one recall, two sewer complaints and 13 environmental questions that were fielded. In the Administrator’s report, Moser reported that Miller Glass has tentatively scheduled January 19th for the installation of the new doors. Moser explained that he has signed up for Grantwatch Service to monitor for additional non-profit grants. He notified the Board that the regular WIC Audit is scheduled for January. The Health Center financial reports for November, including the review from H & R Block, were reviewed. Discussion was held on the balance sheet, income statement, and budget statements. After these questions were answered, the financial reports and the report from H & R Block were approved. In New Business, the Board discussed the election filings and Resolution 2023-R006 regarding the scope of services offered by DCHC. The resolution was approved by the Board. Moser presented the Board with the estimate for audit services to be provided by Maloney, Wright, and Robbins, LLC for 2023 in the amount of $11,700. He explained that due to DCHC receiving over $750,000 in federal funds, a federal single audit is required, which is a more expensive process. The next regular meeting of the Board was set for Thursday, January 25th at 5:00.
Today, Sheriff Bob Wells and Prosecutor Andrew M. Curley will present a check for the sum of $1,793.89 to Dent County Treasurer Denita Williams to be placed into the local school fund for Dent County. The money is the result of efforts by law enforcement involving the seizure of firearms from an investigation in 2017. In addition to the criminal conviction, the seizure is authorized by Missouri law as a punishment and deterrent to persons that commit a criminal offense. This money will be used for the benefit of the local school system.
If you did not apply for Medicare Part B (medical insurance) within three months before or after turning age 65, you have another chance each year during the General Enrollment Period. The period started January 1st and will run to March 31st. If you don’t enroll in Part B when you’re first eligible for it, you may have to pay a late enrollment penalty for as long as you have Part B coverage. Your monthly premium will increase 10% for each 12-month period that you were eligible for Part B but did not sign up for it. Your coverage starts the first day of the month after you sign up. To learn more about Medicare, please visit our Medicare Benefits page at www.ssa.gov/benefits/medicare.
Preliminary data from the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) shows deer hunters in Missouri harvested 12,465 deer during the alternative methods portion of firearms deer season, December 23rd through January 2nd. Of the 12,465 deer harvested, 3,130 were antlered bucks, 1,450 were button bucks, and 7,885 were does. Top harvest counties were Callaway with 296 deer harvested, Franklin with 250, and Macon with 228. County totals in our area included Crawford with 160 deer harvested, Dent County totaled 184, Phelps County had 117 deer taken, Shannon County total was 158 and Texas County saw 207 deer harvested during the alternative methods season. The harvest total for last year’s alternative methods portion was 8,724. This year’s harvest total was eight-percent higher than the previous five-year average. For current ongoing preliminary harvest totals by season, county, and type of deer, visit the MDC website at extra.mdc.mo.gov. The archery deer and turkey season runs through Jan. 15. Find more information on deer hunting from MDC’s 2023 Fall Deer & Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information booklet, available where permits are sold and online at mdc.mo.gov.