Local News – Thursday, February 6th, 2020
Congratulations to the 28 High School and Middle School band students who represented Salem R-80 and Northwood R-4 this weekend at the SCA Honor Band Concert. They performed on February 1st in Ava. The Salem High School band students attending were Harmony Alexander, Jainey Pettus, Faith Jasper, Martin Jones, Megan Watkins, Ashton During, Reagin Toten, John Stark, Chris McSwain, Collin Hinderliter, Jon Gallagher, Kelsey Stienbarger, Christopher Harris, Marvin Aspinwall and Taytan Barton. The Salem Middle School band students at Ava were Hunter Barton, Chris Frederickson, Kaison Wilmont, Jarrod Brooks, Rory Dahms, Wyatt Patrick, Parker Holtz and Jacob Bender. The Northwood R-4 students included Xander During, Natily Cook, Harley Medley, Jacob Koontz and Nathan McGraw. Congratulations to all these students for being part of the SCA Honor Band!
The Dent County Fire Protection District Board of Directors met at 6:00 Tuesday evening for their regular monthly meeting. After the roll call a motion was made and carried to approve the consent agenda as well as minutes from the January meeting being reviewed and approved as presented. The financial report was discussed with bills being reviewed and approved as well as the 2019 final budget and 2020 budget being reviewed with an ending balance at the end of January of $268,708.21. During the calendar review, February 8th was determined to be a work day at the station for painting and general cleanup. It was also noted that March 10th will be the Presidential Preference Primary election in Dent County and the Road Rally would take place March 19th. During the monthly reimbursement report, the board made note of 24 calls for the month including 1 structure fire, 7 brush fires, 6 first responder calls, 3 vehicle accidents, 2 fire alarms responses, 2 training events and 3 calls classified as others. Total calls for the year so far is 41 with the average cost for call being $124.82. In new business, Chief Nash asked the board to consider a plan change for the area between the walkway on the Center Street side to add concrete from the building to the new walkway. The current plan has this as a sloped away from the sidewalk on both sides, possibly allowing water to run into the building. The board considered this to be a good idea but would need pricing to make an approval which Chief Nash said he would get and present to the board. Chief Nash also gave a tentative completion on the current renovation as March 1st and also discussed what the district would have to complete after the construction crews leave as far as installing, painting, and cleanup. The date for the next meeting was set for Tuesday, March 3rd at 6:00 at the firehouse. The meeting is open to the public.
Join the Montauk State Park staff for a unique bald eagle viewing at 8:00 this Friday morning, February 7th. Watch the eagles glide across the skies above the Montauk valley. Participants will accompany park staff on a hike near an active eagle’s nest in the park. A spotting scope and binoculars will be available. Dress appropriately for the weather and wear sturdy shoes. Those who would like to attend can meet at the CCC stone picnic shelter by 8:00 Friday morning to warm up around a fire with free coffee and hot chocolate. Montauk State Park is located 22 miles southwest of Salem on Highway 119 in Dent County. For more information about the event, call the park at 573-548-2201.
The Community Blood Center of the Ozarks will hold a blood drive Friday at Salem Wood Products at 200 Stave Mill Road off Highway 19 North. The blood drigve will be from 11:00 that morning until 5:00 in the afternoon. There is a critical need for type “O’ negative and AB plasma. To be eligible to give blood, you must weigh at least 110 pounds, be in good health and present a valid photo ID. For more information, call Lori Westerman at 729-7767.
Tom Botkins will lead a discussion about the Copeland Cemetery at 6:00 Tuesday, February 11th at the Salem Pizza Inn Meeting Room. It is a cemetery with a Who’s Who of early Dent County families living from the Howes Mills Community. This will be a discussion about lost or forgotten cemeteries and the meeting is a welcome call for people who own burial plots, small cemeteries, or know of a cemetery that is being lost to neglect or where no one is still alive that knows its history. For more information, contact Tom Botkins at 573 626-4522 or Deloris Gray Wood at 573 729-2545.