Local News – Thursday, February 20th, 2020
The Salem Board of Aldermen held a meeting Tuesday at the City Hall Council Chambers. In absence of the Mayor, City Council Chairman Kim Shelton ran the meeting. The board tabled the Fire Hydrant Saver Kit bids until the next meeting. After the consent agenda, Planning and Zoning Chairman Gary Brown reported on their meeting that was held prior to the Alderman meeting. The committee recommended and received approval to annex into the city limits approximately 5.6 acres of property located south of Southtown Furniture and owned by Charles and Jan Cunningham. The committee reviewed a fact sheet and draft licensing agreement for short-term rentals. The committee recommended and the aldermen approved drafting an ordinance for short-term vacation rental procedures. The board also approved conducting a public hearing to get comments regarding establishing a liquor license code and licensing of wineries, meadery and micro-breweries. City Administrator Ray Walden gave the Park Board report and announced a grant to build soccer fields has been submitted to the DNR Land and Water Conservation Fund. An Airport Board meeting will be held February 24th at 6 PM at the Salem Community Center @ the Armory. Chip and Seal and NovaSeal bids are being sought and will be reported to the alderman for approval on how to proceed. The February utility bills have been sent out and the date of service was misrepresented on the bills. The dates should read November/December instead of October/November. Future electric bills will include additional days to help get the dates more on track. The alderman instructed staff to continue to inform the public about the process and to make sure of consistent messaging to keep everyone informed. Walden presented department structure updates, employee compensation study and succession planning for employees. He stated of the currrent 60 city employees there are 8 that are eligible for retirement. Plans need to be in place to ensure continuity in departments. The board approved Resolution No 4-2020 authorizing the Mayor to sign a contract with the Dent County Animal Welfare Society for animal intake services. This contract included a $10 increase per animal bringing the cost to $30 per intake. City staff will look for ways to collect these fees from the animal owners. The meeting was adjourned.
The Salem FFA Alumni will be conducting their 10th Annual Scholarship Fund Labor and Dessert Auction this evening at 6:30. The auction will be conducted at the Salem R-80 Upper Elementary with all proceeds going to scholarships for Salem FFA members. A meal will be served at
5:30 at no charge to auction supporters. Salem FFA Chapter members will be providing 4, 6 or 8 hours of labor of various types ranging from farm labor to cooking and cleaning, gardening and lawn work and more. There will be delicious homemade pies, cakes, pastries and other desserts auction as well. Come out and support the Salem FFA Alumni Scholarship Fund tonight.