Local News – Thursday, February 15th, 2024
The Dent County Fire Protection District Board of Directors met Tuesday evening at the fire station. After the roll call, the board went into closed session to discuss personnel and policies. No votes were taken during the closed session. After returning to the open session, the board approved the consent agenda and the minutes from the January meeting. The financial report was given showing an ending balance of $282,076.92 as of January 31st. Bills, payment and statements were reviewed along with the budget. The treasurer noted to the board that the repeater bill has not been paid for as the repeater is not yet installed. Insurance money has been received from Allied World, but the bill has not been finalized. This should be around $18,000.00. The repeater is still on order and has not been received. During the calendar review, it was noted that a representative from Scotts SCBA will be in Salem Thursday to demonstrate and give a quote for Scotts SCBA air bottles. In old business, MSA demonstrated and gave a bid of $118,036.20 for 12 SCBA packs. After some discussion, the board tabled a decision until the Scotts representative can bring their demo in and give pricing. The monthly reimbursement report for January showed a total of 22 calls for January bringing to 40 calls year to date. Of those 22 calls, six were for fires, four responding to alarms, four medical calls, two HazMat calls, and two classified as other. The department also responded to a public service call, utility problem and one accident. Treasurer Dave Wells reported that the tower lease from CTI Tower Assets would be due soon. This lease grows approximately 5% every year. In 2021 the lease price was $3,909.34 and the lease cost was $4,104.80. The lease needs to be investigated and President Craig Smith stated he would call and discuss this with CTI. In new business, after discussing and interviewing candidate, the board accepted three new firefighters into the department. Those new firefighters are Sarah Montoya, John Knight, and Hayden Lawler. The current lawn care service for the building is retiring and Mike Godi is searching for a new service. Also in new business, a pipe burst on a water fountain on a north wall of the station and Tri-Cat was called in to clean up and dry the station of water damage. The cost was $12,720.83 plus plumbing charges to date of $225.00. The will be some added costs to replace the plumbing fixtures and baseboards that were damaged or had to be removed due to the leak. The board made a motion and approved to pay the current bill. Chief Floyd was asked to get pricing for repairs and bring them to the next board meeting. Chief Floyd and Captain Thomas found a used truck that would work for the department to replace Engine 85. The price is $194,900.00. The board tabled the matter until they can investigate financing and payments before making a decision. The board also discussed allowing the use of the departments kitchen for Chamber luncheons once a month, but due to the water leak damage and short staff at present, it is not feasible. Chief Floyd reported to the board that Royal Oak has had five calls since January 23rd and asked the board to address the issue. Board member Mike Godi said he would speak to them about the issue. The Chief is also working on the department hosting a state class for vehicle firefighting. The class would be free, but 15 people would need to be signed up for the class. Before adjourning, the board set the date of March 12th at 6:00 for the next board meeting to be held at the fire station at #2 South Main Street and it will be open to the public.
This Saturday at 2:00, a field trip is planned by the Dent County Historical Society to visit the site of the old Boss Civilian Conservation Corps in what was at the time Clark National Forest, now the Mark Twain National Forest, in the Salem Ranger District. Participants are asked to meet in the Boss Assembly of God Parking Lot, and then follow the leader to the site. Wear appropriate clothing for hiking in this relic of history in Dent County. This event is being co-sponsored by the Salem Ranger District of the Mark Twain National Forest. This is a boots-on-the-ground event, so dress accordingly to explore the site that was abandoned at the start of World War II. Parents will need to supervise their children as they explore the site. The CCC was a volunteer work project created during the Great Depression and was active from 1933 to 1942. The men were trained to build fire towers, bridges, ponds, roads, and the housing where they lived. Reynolds County Road 903 that starts going east from Marcoot Tower is a Road that was rebuilt by the CCC Men. Dent County had four CCC Camps: Boss, Bunker, Indian trails Conservation and Montauk State Park. For more information contact Deloris Gray Wood, Society President on her landline at 573 729-2545.
A Date Night “Sign and Wine” class will be held this Friday evening at the Creative Arts Center from 6:00 to 9:00 with Danielle Norris where participants can celebrate Valentine’s Day with something new and fun! You and your partner will completely assemble and design an “Established” sign (or a design of your choice) from start finish together. All supplies will be provided as well as tools needed. Finished signs will be around 15×15 inches. The cost is $50 per couple/single, or you may bring your own boards for $25 per person. You can signup at salemcommunitybetterment.com and look for Programs under the Creative Arts Center.
Friday night is basketball homecoming at the Salem High school when Salem will be hosting Ava. The 2024 Senior queen candidates include Riley Darby, Fatima Careaga and Neely Leathers. The three king candidates are Karsen Bared, Owen Hamilton, and Wyatt Martin. They will each be walking with their respective other. Junior attendants are Aspen Toman and Ronald Wadsworth. Sophomore attendants are Maggie Hogan and Dylan Parker. Freshman attendants are Allison Walters and Linkyn Atkinson. The coronation will be held between the JV and varsity basketball game.