Local News – Thursday, December 14th, 2023
The Salem Board of Alderman met Tuesday night at the City Hall Council Chambers. After they approved the consent agenda, the board heard from Lisa French regarding the city’s policy on Hearing of Persons and Communication. She asked for a copy of the ordinance that gives Chief Joe Chase the authority to remove citizens from meetings at the request of city officials. She was also concerned that the city was not addressing citizens concerns but only allows them to speak at meetings but not have a discussion or resolution. She claimed this is taxation without representation. She was also concerned that her personal information was released in the board material packet and this should have been redacted. The board approved purchasing a transfer switch for Well #4 at a cost of $17,968 from Aesthetix Electric. This will allow the city to have water if there was a natural disaster and prolonged electrical outage. At the request of staff, the Board denied two bids that were received for a new sign at the entrance to the Industrial Park. New signage is needed to replace the former sign that blew down in 2019. The sign would list all current and future businesses in the park. The budget for this sign as well as new signage at the Airport totals $50,000 and the project will be rebid with updated specs. The board approved board members for the Enhanced Enterprise Zone. This committee is a partnership between the City of Salem and Dent County. Re-appointments for a five-year term are Willie Strader with Farm Bureau and Jamie Homeyer, County Assessor. Appointments due to vacancies include Jeff Dodson, Superintendent of North Wood R-4 and Nathan Wills, Assistant Superintendent of Salem R-80 School. Other members of this board include Dean Jones from Salem Wood Products, Dustin Howard with the Bank of Salem and Daniel Salyer from Phil-Mart. The board approved Bill No. 3579 to change the name of the Community Services Committee to the Community Involvement Committee with a new vision and responsibilities. Chairman Kala Sisco will seek appointment of new members tho this committee at the next meeting. Kyle Williams reported there will be a Utility Committee meeting tonight at 6:15 at the Salem Community Center @ the Armory. He will attend the Transportation Priorities meeting at MRPC this week and the Youth Vaping Town Hall meeting on Thursday, December 14 at 5:30 pm at the Salem Community Center @ the Armory. He is researching possible MoDOT transportation grants to get a city bus. He stated that Houston, MO has this service that offers free rides at a cost of $60,000 per year to the city. The board then went into closed session.
City Clerk Tammy Koller has announced that Alderwoman Amanda Duncan has submitted her resignation Wednesday from the Salem Board of Alderman effective Tuesday, December 12th.
To mark this year’s most spectacular meteor shower known as the Geminids Meteor Shower, Elephant Rocks State Park will be open to the public for a rare after-dark event this Friday evening. Park representatives will be available to direct guests to the best and safest areas to view the shower. Participants should remember that it is December and should dress for cold temperatures. No campfires will be allowed. In the event of rain, it will be moved to Saturday, December 16th. The event runs from 5:00 in the evening to midnight at Elephant Rocks State Park on Highway 21 in Belleview.
The Salem R-80 Board of Education will be holding their regular meeting this evening at 5:30 in the R-80 Board Room. At the meeting, Alex Diehl will be recognized as for being All-State Cross Country. Dr. Reed and Dr. Wills will give their report to the board before the building principals and Athletic Director Clay Moody give their reports. New business to be brought before the board include a resolution calling for a bond election in the Salem R-80 school district, a resolution calling for an election in the Salem R-80 school district for the purpose of increasing the districts operating tax levy, and a resolution authorizing the appropriation not to exceed 115,000.00 for the purpose of prepaying a portion of the districts outstanding general obligation bonds, and authorizing other actions in connection with those bonds. The board is also expected to approve the Director of Operations job description, approve an out of state FFA trip, the FEMA building design and consider CEP for the high school. The board will then hear resignations, if any, before setting the date for the January meeting if different from January 18th before adjourning. The board will going into executive session to discuss personnel. The meeting is open to the public.