Local News – Thursday, August 25th, 2022
The City of Salem held their tax rate hearing to set the real estate and property tax rate for the year 2022 Tuesday afternoon at 5:30. One person spoke at the hearing on how the equity value of people’s homes in Salem have decreased by 3.56% according to Data USA IO and that any rate increase will hurt. The Salem Board of Aldermen held a public hearing to discuss the proposed increase in sewer rates. Three people spoke in opposition to the increase citing the low average income of people in Salem, that over 33% of residents are senior citizens who could least afford an increase, and another gave Mayor Parker six questions that she wanted answers to and said she wouldn’t pay the increase she showed a bottle of water to the audience that allegedly came from her faucet that was discolored. In the regular board meeting, the board approved the request for a permit from Chris Robbins to hold a community “trunk or treat” on Halloween from 4:00 in the afternoon until 11:00 that evening on 4th Street from Highway 19 to MacArthur. He wanted the permit to facilitate groups in the area which the board approved. After the consent agenda was approved, the board approved Bill #3515 creating an ordinance that will raise the cemetery fees for the Cedar Grove Cemetery beginning January 1st, 2023; approved Bill #3516 to create an ordinance to raise the business license fees from $25 to $35 starting January 1st, 2023; approved Bill #3517 amending the annual budget for the City beginning July 1, 2021 to adjust appropriations for the electric reserve, sewer D&R and sanitation funds; and the board approved Bill #3518 that created an ordinance setting the tax rate of 67.46 cents per $100 assessed valuation for real estate and personal property in the city for General Revenue purposes. That is the same rate as last year. As per the state auditor’s calculations, the city could have raised the tax rate to 69.31 cents per $100 assessed valuation but elected to keep the rate lower by a 2-1 vote with Alderman Kinerk voting no. Public Works Director Mark Nash presented bids for a new sprayer and the board went with the bid from Salem Farm Equipment for a Cimaran CMLS-PCO 200 Sprayer for $3,921. That price was below the budgeted amount of $5,000 and came with a two-year warranty. They also approved the bid from Airgas for a Miller Welder which is a commercial welder for $6,854.57 which came in under the budgeted amount of $7,000; approved the purchase of new tires for the cemetery and street department vehicles from Jet Tire and Auto for $3,274.24; and the board approved the bid for a new pad mount transformer for the Al Brown Field lights from T&R Electric for $15,718 that has a three-year warranty. Finance Director Stacey Houston presented the board with an updated financial report and discussed the status of some of the funds. Terry Moore from ESP updated the board on the HVAC work which is complete at the administration building, city hall auditorium, police station and about 80% done at the Armory. He said the door and window replacement is virtually complete with a punch list on the buildings, while the tuck and point just got started at the Armory and is over 80% done on all the other buildings. He said the light poles have been set at the Al Brown Fields and the light controls have been installed. A bid for the electric hookups at Al Brown Fields will be done through ESP by Hawke Electric. Jeff Medows from Archer Elgin said the Wastewater Plant Permit draft has been done and will be reviewed before being submitted to DNR next week. The ARPA Application for a five-million-dollar grant has been submitted to help pay for the $9.4 million cost of the Phase 2 improvements. The city will know by late October if they have been chosen to receive the competitive grant. Medows said the Highway 72 and Route J sewer extension is done and the lift station at the hospital has been tested. The new pump station on Route J is still on order and work is being done on the Jennifer Street drainage project. Medows said the TAP Grant for the downtown revitalization continues and they will need to get easements from the property owners. He also said an ARPA fund application has been put in for Well #9 and the elevated storage tank. Mayor Greg Parker said he was going to get with the county and is trying to address the homeless situation and all the camping going on in town. Public Works Director Mark Nash said the water department continues to work on water leaks, the street department is clearing out ditches and the electric department has a couple poles to change. Economic Development Director Sally Burbridge said the industrial park sign will have to be relocated off the highway right-of-way, the final grading by Godi’s Excavating at the certified site began Tuesday, and Burbridge said a draft of the answers to the two questions the state Department of Economic Development asked on the certified site will be reviewed and before being sent off this week. The board then went into closed session.
A public hearing will be held by the city of Salem Planning and Zoning Commission this evening at 6:00 in the city hall council chambers at 202 North Washington. The purpose of the meeting is to give all interested parties the opportunity to be heard on a request by Mark Bottomley for a use permit for an Air BNB on property located at 901 North Main Street. Immediately following the close of the public hearing, the Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public meeting in the city hall council chambers to either accept or reject the conditional use permit. Following that meeting, the City of Salem Airport Board will meet at 6:45. The board will hear updates on the fuel tanks, consider the purchase of new credit card readers for the fuel system, the Schwartz hanger, and the new hanger project. Also on the agenda is the gate opener, pilot lounge, routine airport maintenance, and other business. The hearing and meetings are open to the public.