Local News – Thursday, April 28th, 2022
The Salem Board of Aldermen met Tuesday evening in the City Hall Council Chambers. In the hearing of persons, the board approved a request from Sarah Massengale to close Iron, 4th and 5th streets on Saturday, June 4th for the “Taste of Dent County” event. After approval of the consent agenda, the board approved Bill #3504 to authorize the mayor to execute a contingency allocation of $9,513 between the City of Salem and Energy Solutions Professionals, LLC for additional point and tuck brickwork services at 301 North Grand. Approval was given for Resolution 11-2022 authorizing the law firm of Cunningham, Vogel and Rost, PC to perform a review of the City of Salem Personnel Policy Manual at a cost of under $3,000. Resolution 12-2022 authorizing the mayor to sign an agreement with United Healthcare for medical insurance for employees was approved. Representatives from Wall Street Insurance attended the meeting via zoom. Inman Insurance is a co- broker for this policy that was set to renew on July 1st with a 5% increase. But a rate reduction was requested which allowed for no cost increase if approved before May 1st for a total premium of $287,244.36 effective July 1, 2022. The board approved Resolution 13-2022 to execute an agreement with SCI Engineering, Inc. for geotechnical services in doing soil bores for $5,950 at the certified site at the Masters Industrial Park, and Resolution 14-2022 authorizing the extension of an agreement between the City of Salem and Godi Excavating Services for work at the certified site in the Master’s Industrial Park. Terry Moore with Energy Solutions Professionals gave an update on the energy savings project that is being conducted at city buildings. The building envelope work, including weather stripping and insulation is substantially complete. The HVAC scope is in progress at the City Administration and old City Hall. The doors and window replacements are at 80% complete. Roofing work is 90% complete at the Park and Rec building and 75% at the Salem Community Center @ the Armory. The sports lighting at Al Brown Fields has been slowed due to wet conditions. The 10-foot deep holes for the poles are retaining six feet of water. The light poles are ready to be set when this problem is corrected. City Administrator Ray Walden noted that the Community Wide Yard Sale is set for Saturday, May 7th and the spring clean-up weeks will be the weeks of May 9th and May 16th. Mayor Greg Parker requested and the Aldermen approved the appointment of Harold Hamilton to the Utility Committee. Park and Recreation Director Melissa Dubois reported there are 461 children signed up for the upcoming baseball season. After the final weekend of soccer is complete, the Al Brown fields will be closed to allow for the light pole installation. Economic Development Director Sally Burbridge gave an update on the Certified Site at the Industrial Park and the Welcome Home program and Lead Base Paint Remediation program. Public Works Director Mark Nash provided updates on city crew work. The board approved the purchase of a new Toyota pickup truck for the Park and Recreation Department at a cost of $32,367. Financial Director Stacey Houston provided a financial report that showed fund balances at $5 million. The 20/21 audit report is expected to be complete in May. Alderman Sisco requested an update on the clean-up of the Maggard house on MacArthur Street. Chief Joe Chase has been in contact with the family and will inform them that they have 30 days to complete the cleanup. He will also provide information regarding the city’s demolition program. Alderman Bolerjack reported he recently attended an Economic Development Regional meeting where updates regarding broadband access and Highway 63 improvements from Arkansas to Jefferson City were discussed. He will be scheduling Capital Improvements and Finance Committee meetings in the next couple of weeks. Alderman Williams requested updates on the Airport fuel pump and courtesy car availability. The fuel pump has been ordered and procedures to have the car available will be implemented. The board approved selling five surplus vehicles owned by the city. The board then went into closed session to discuss contracts.
Montauk State Park will be hosting a Spring Kids Free Fishing Day on Saturday April 30th. Kids 15 and under can pick up their required free fishing tags Friday afternoon April 29th between 2:00 and 5:00 at the registration booth near the fish cleaning station or anytime Saturday. For more information contact Montauk State Park Fish Hatchery between 6:30 in the morning till 5:00 in the evening at 573-548-2585.
Montauk State Park will be handing out free seedling on Friday April 29th in celebration of Arbor Day. Park visitors can pick up the seedlings at the White Oak Hole parking lot from 9:00 to 3:00. The trees are provided courtesy of the Missouri Department of Conservation’s George White Nursery. For more information contact the park at 573-548-2201.