Local News – Monday, September 13th, 2021
The Dent County Fire Protection District board of directors met last Thursday night at 6:00. After the roll call and approval of the consent agenda, the minutes from the August meeting were reviewed and approved as presented. Joe Weber from Weber and Associates was present to discuss the policy and procedures manual and answer any questions from the board. The manual will be reviewed and discussed again at the October meeting. Bills were approved with a balance of 149,180.64 as of August 31st. During the budget review, the board discussed changing the budget back to a line-item budget for the 2022 year and breaking down the budget in more detail. It was recommended that the board put together a finance committee to review and set up a new long-term plan for the department. The board agreed and the committee will be comprised of fire department officers and board members. Dave Greenshields will serve as the board member for the committee. An officer from the department will be assigned at the next officers’ meeting. Treasurer Dave Wells asked the board to close one of the bank accounts that was set up during the fire station renovation as it was no longer being used and has gone dormant. The board agreed but asked Chief Nash to check with the auditor and the USDA to make sure this could be done. Chief Nash discussed with the board about having an audit performed for the department and DCERA. Normally an audit is performed every three years, but due to the construction Chief Nash felt it necessary to have an audit performed to ensure that all finances are being handled correctly. The board agreed and asked for him to set it up. The board reviewed the other budget items before reviewing the calendar. On Thursday, September 16th, the department will be in training and the next night, will be at the Salem High School Football game. Air Evac will be holding training at the department on September 21st and 22nd and again on the 28th and 29th. There was a total of 26 calls during the month of August with a total of 214 calls year to date. It was reported the insurance money has finally come in for Engine 85 where a deer strike damaged the truck. The department is still trying to find someone to repair the truck as it will have to be a company that can repair fire engine trucks. The security cameras at the fire station have been installed and are in operation and the new fire software conversion is still ongoing. In new business, Chief Nash reported computers and gun lockers have been installed in six trucks and are operational for the new emergency reporting software. Also, Panasonic met with the chief to discuss new computers for all the trucks in the future. Panasonic is working with the department to acquire grant money to fund this project. Chief Nash reported to the board that several trucks are having problems including electrical problems on Truck 80, the tele-squirt nozzle and has a check engine light keeps coming on in Ladder Truck #81, and the hose net on the back needs to be repaired or replaced, Engine 82 has had a backup camera installed and Engine 83 has an intake that needs to be repaired or replaced. Several of the trucks are already scheduled for repair or have had the repair parts ordered. In the building report, it was noted that the upstairs floor and equipment room work is still in progress and that the department is working with Rommel Lock and Alarm on a door lock system. The date was set for the next meeting which will be Tuesday, October 5th at 6:00 at the firehouse and will be open to the public. The fire board then went into closed session.