Local News – Monday, May 9th, 2022
The Salem Area Community Betterment Association announced their 2022 Gift of Time Award Winners and Runner-ups from Saturday night at their Awards Banquet held at the Ozark Natural and Cultural Resource Center. The winner for the Education & Youth Category was Warm My Heart and Friends of the Salem Public Library was the runner-up; the winner for the Community Enhancement or Preservation Category was the AARP Tax Aide Volunteers with the MO Gamblers 500 (The Missourah Endurah) named the runner-up; the winner for the Arts & Culture Category was the late Michael Helm with Jamin Bray being named runner-up; for the Humanitarian Category, Ahleesha Elwood was the winner with Grace Harbor named the runner-up; and for the Outstanding Youth Volunteer Category, the North Wood R-4 Jag program was the winner with Denise Stoner named the runner-up. The Salem Area Community Betterment Association presented their first ever Community Trailblazer Award and it went to the late and unforgettable Libby Sparling Sanders. They want to congratulate all those who were nominated for awards with a special congratulations going out to the winners and runner ups! They also want to thank all those who submitted nominees for the awards and thank all the other volunteer organizations and persons who strive to meet the needs of our community in various important ways. Look for more events on the SACBA Facebook page as well as their newly launched website: www.salemcommunitybetterment.com.
The Dent County Sheriff’s Department released a number of reports. On Saturday April 30th, a deputy conducted a traffic stop on Norh Hickory St. During the stop, a consent to search the vehicle was granted and a baggie containing a white crystalline substance was located near the male passenger. It was also determined the woman had a suspended driving privilege. Based on the investigation, a 44-year-old female and 23-year-old male, both of Jadwin, were taken into custody and transported to the Dent County Jail. Both subjects were fingerprinted, photographed and released. The lady received a citation for driving while her having her license revoked or suspended, a 1st offense; and an arrest warrant for the man will be applied for at a later date. Later that day, deputies responded to West First Street for a report of a wanted female subject. During the investigation, a 42-year-old Salem woman was taken into custody on an active Dent County arrest warrant after attempting to flee out the back door of the residence. In addition, a second woman who is 21-years old from Salem, was also arrested on a different Dent County arrest warrant. Both ladies were transported to the Dent County Jail where they were incarcerated on their warrants. Then on Sunday May 1st, a deputy responded to Private Lane 333 for a reported stolen handgun. During the investigation, a 55-year-old Salem man reported that an unknown subject had stolen a Glock .40 pistol from his residence. The pistol was entered into MULES as stolen. Later that day, a deputy issued a criminal citation for trespassing in the 2nd degree to a 24-year-old Salem man. During the investigation, it was determined that he had been trespassing on property on North Highway 19 that did not belong to him and did not have permission to be on. On Wednesday May 4th, a deputy arrested a 33-year-old Salem woman on an active Dent County warrant. She was transported to the Dent County Jail and incarcerated on her warrant. If you have any further information regarding any ongoing investigation, call the Dent County Sheriff’s Department at 729-3241.