Local News – Monday, May 13th, 2024

The Salem Public Library has been awarded a tech grant for $11,490.00, plus the Friends of the Library have donated $557.00. These funds will be used to replace computers, plus purchase licenses for Microsoft Office and DeepFreeze.

The Dent County Fire Protection District Board met last Tuesday evening at the Dent County Firehouse. In the consent agenda, the financial report was reviewed showing an ending balance of $223,829.17. Bills, payments and statements were reviewed and approved as was the budget. In the Calendar review, the fire district attended Serendipity Thursday at the Upper Elementary School, had a class from William Lynch Elementary School tour the firehouse on Friday, and be expecting the new MSA gear this Tuesday. Air Evac approached Chief Floyd to have September 28th set aside for “Kids Safety Day” at the department. In the April monthly reimbursement report, it showed the fire department responded to 23 calls for the month of April with a total of 128 for the year. Seventeen of the calls in April were to fires which represent 73.91% of the calls to the department. The department also responded to one each of a smoke investigation, Haz-Mat call, medical, and to an traffic accident. Two calls were listed as other. The seventeen fire calls were further broken down represented five building fires, five forest or woodlands fire, 3 brush or grass fires, and two off road vehicle or heavy equipment fires, one outside trash or rubbish fire, and one passenger vehicle fire. In old business, the board heard the two bids received for lawn care and went with the bid from Mr. Lundy of $80. The other bid was from the Sheltered Workshop. The board tabled any decision until the next meeting on the repair, sealing and restriping of the parking lot; and the tower lease information is still on hold awaiting further information from the tower company. In new business, the board approved to allow President Craig Smith and Treasurer Dave Wells sign a lease/purchase agreement from Town and Country Bank for the purchase of new SCBA equipment and a new truck for $281,642.58. The agreement was then signed. The review of the agenda format was discussed and the board decided the Calendar review could be removed from the consent agenda and covered in the Chief’s report. Nominations were then held and after some discussion, a motion was made to close nominations and hold the election of the board officers. Mike Godi was elected president. Dave Wells as Secretary/Treasurer and budget officer, and Chief Dennis Floyd as the Custodian of Records. Chief Floyd then gave his report to the board and noted that the new truck will have to have radios installed to be able to talk with other trucks and also other emergency agencies. The cost would be around $7,064.37 to add the new radios. This will go out for more bids and Chief Floyd will check out other avenues of obtaining the radios. Floyd also said that the department will need some new tools for the new truck and it is in his budget for the tools. The board agreed for him to go ahead with the small tool purchases but to hold off on any large purchases. The board then voted to go into closed session to interview and approve Aaron Tilley as a new firefighter for the department. After returning to open session, the date for the next meeting was set for Tuesday, June 11th at the Fire Station at 6:00 PM.

Those interested in hunting Elk this fall need to apply before May 31st. The Department of Conservation will require a $10 application fee for elk-permit applicants. Those selected will then be eligible to buy a permit at a cost of $50. All elk-hunting permits, including those allocated to qualifying area landowners, can be used in Carter, Reynolds, and Shannon counties, except the refuge portion of Peck Ranch Conservation Area. The archery portion will run October 19th through 27th and the firearms portion will run December 14th through 22nd. The allowed hunting methods for each elk season portion will be the same as for deer hunting. The permits will allow for the harvest of one bull elk with at least one antler being six inches or greater in length. For more information on elk and elk hunting in Missouri, visit mdc.mo.gov/elkhunting. Apply for the elk-permit random drawing now through 31st online at mdc.mo.gov/buypermits, through MDC’s free MO Hunting app, through a permit vendor, or by calling 1-800-392-4115. Results of the elk-permit random drawing will be available online by July 1st. Missouri hunters harvested one bull elk during the 2023 archery portion and two during the 2023 firearms portion.