Local News – Monday, March 19th, 2018
The Salem R-80 Board of Education met Thursday evening at the district administration board room. Superintendent John McCulloch reported summer school would be held for children from Kindergarten through 6th grade while credit recovery and drivers education will be offered in the summer for high school students. Summer School will be from May 22nd through June 12th. McCulloch talked about the school health insurance and said the consortium had not met their funding levels in three years and rates would be going up. For the same plan as last year, it would cost the school $423 per month per employee with a $3,000 deductible with 70-30 coverage after the deductible was met which would cost the district an additional $70,000. McCulloch said the school changed the base plan that now offers a $4,000 deductible and 100% coverage after the deductible is met that would cost $406 per month per employee. He said the school would offer two buy up options for the instructors where employees can even use a Health Savings Account. The budget update was tabled and the board heard from principals. William Lynch Principal Kriste Crocker reported that she had 241 students with 70 preschoolers, 85 Kindergarteners and 86 1st graders with three more 1st graders starting soon. She said kindergarten registration will be held March 20th and 21st as all the appointments for that day have been filled. She said parents should call the school if they need to get their child registered for kindergarten at 729-6611 as another registration day will be held in May. Children must be 5 years of age by August 1st. Upper Elementary School Principal Melanie Wisdom reported Quiz Bowl team Z placed first in the Dent County Quiz Bowl Tournament and that Mr. Schatz was recruiting 5th graders for the Middle School Band. Middle School Principal Scott Roberts congratulated 6th graders Lexi Delashmit and Denver Watson and 7th graders Brianna Mischke and Brooklyn Stenhoff for having their art work selected for the Youth Art Month Exhibit in the State Capitol. He also said enrollment is 202 students. High School Principal Marty Anderson said the school submitted the Construction Trade program grant on February 21st and are waiting to hear back. He said there were 562 students enrolled at the high school. This year’s testing day will be April 3rd and 50 students will test in Work Keys while 60 sophomores and 60 juniors have signed up for the ACT. The board approved their re-organizational meeting and regular meeting in April for April 12th at 6:00, approved the MSBA Policy Service Agreement for $3,479, and they also approved the MSBA 2018A updates that included rescinding the part-time participation rule that means students still need to attend school 80% of the time to play sports or participate in clubs. The board then went into closed session.
The City of Salem Board of Alderman will conduct their regular meeting on Monday night at the City Hall Council Chambers beginning at 7:00 pm. Bids will be heard for Chip and Seal Paving from NB West and Missouri Petroleum, plus the board will hear a bid on a Backhoe for Construction Department from Erb Equipment. In unfinished business, the requested traffic survey of Grand Street will be reviewed. Park and Recreation Director Ty Lydon will seek permission to purchase equipment for the concession stands and discuss banner sales. City Administrator Ray Walden will update the Board on various items and projects concerning the City of Salem followed by a report by Mayor Brad Nash. The board will discuss Bill #3367 that corrects a mistake in the posted fee for a sewer inspection fee. Bill #3368 will amend the rate schedule for the issuance of permits and collection of fees to include a commercial plan review fee that is 65% of the building permit fee. The board will also discuss Bill #3369 that allows the mayor to execute an agreement between the City of Salem and Westport Pools, Inc for a change order for the bath house renovations. In new and miscellaneous business, a proposed Livable Streets Policy will be reviewed, and appointments will be made to the Library Board and Salem Housing Authority Board of Commissioners. City Attorney William Camm Seay will present a petition for annexation by Phelps County Regional Medical Center. The Board will then vote to go into closed session for the purpose of discussing real estate and personnel. The regular meeting of the City of Salem Board of Alderman is open to the public.
Zachary Perkins ran away from the Salem High School on February 23rd. He has not been seen since. Perkins is a 17-year old white male standing 5′ 6″ and weighs about 130 pounds. His hair is brown and his eyes are blue. Perkins is a ward of the State of Missouri and was to be picked up by social workers and taken to a drug treatment facility on February 23rd. When the workers arrived to pick him up, Perkins fled the school. If you have any information please contact your local law enforcement or the Salem Police Department at 573-729-4242.