Local News – Monday, June 19th, 2023
A drowning occurred Friday morning around 11:55 in Crawford County on Thurman Lake Road and the Meramec River. According to the water patrol report, 18-year-old Logan Wright of St. James was swimming and went under water and did not resurface. Wright was transported to the Crawford County Morgue by the Crawford County Coroner.
The Dent County Fire Protection District Board of Directors met Tuesday evening. The financial report was then presented showing an ending balance as of May 31st of $180,119.70. Bills, payments, and statements were approved before the budget was reviewed and compared to the 2022 budget showing that department is in good shape. After the calendar review, the monthly reimbursement report was presented showing 24 calls for the month of May, bringing the total calls year to date to 141. In old business, it was noted that the insurance company had approved the replacement of the repeater that was damaged during the spring storms. The repeater has been ordered but its still 30 weeks out to be received and then will have to be installed. At present, the department is working with a repaired repeater. The ARPA grant is still ongoing. Fire Chief Brad Nash gave his report and stated that Engine 85 is still waiting on parts which are due any time now. Nash also reported that three firefighters that were not meeting requirements were let go in accordance with the policies and procedures and officers review and recommendations. Before adjourning, the date for the next meeting was set for Tuesday evening, July 11th at 6:00 at the fire station located at #2 South Main Street. The meeting will be open to the public.
The Dent County Health Center (DCHC) Board of Trustees held their regular meeting Thursday, June 15th. In attendance were trustees Dennis Floyd, Bob Gravely, Lori Hasten and Bob Parsons, plus Administrator Zach Moser and Assistant Administrator Roma Jones. After approval of the minutes of the May 19th regular meeting of the Board and the Emergency Board meeting of June 13th, the resignation letter of Board Member Kim Smith was read and accepted. Administrator Moser presented the communicable disease report which included six new COVID-19 cases for May. He said there were 35 active lead cases in May. Six sexually transmitted infection screenings were also conducted during the month. Moser noted that a total of 16 total influenza cases were reported in May. He stated that this is a very unusual number of influenza cases for this time of year. Moser also reported that there were eight animal bites reported in May. In the diagnostics report, Moser said 205 blood draw appointments were completed in May, plus 10 COVID tests and eight lead tests. There were eight vaccines for COVID-19 and 63 other vaccinations administered. A total of 422 appointments were held during May, plus WIC appointments that totaled 328. Moser noted in May there were 122 urine drug screenings conducted on behalf of the Dent County Treatment Court. Assistant Administrator Jones gave the environmental report where she conducted 8 total inspections and fielded 5 environmental questions. In the Administrator’s report, Moser said that the Childcare Subsidy Program ended May 31st, 2023, and that approximately $700,000 in grant dollars were distributed over the course of the program to assist with childcare expenses. He discussed the financial review that he had asked Sherry Stack of H & R Block to perform. Zach presented the first report and expressed approval of the format and scope of the report. He reminded the Board Members of the training session scheduled for July 17th at 5:00 with Tiffany Bayer from the Center for Local Public Health at DHSS. Zach requested approval for travel to the NACCHO 360, a public health conference in Denver the week of July 9th which was approved as he is scheduled to give a presentation at the conference. Moser reminded the Board of upcoming future Health Center events including Christmas in July on the 22nd of next month, a Fall Health Fair on October 26th, and a drive-through flu/COVID clinic on October 12th.The health center financial reports for May, including the review from H & R Block, were reviewed and approved. Chairman Parsons shared a conversation he had with Salem Memorial Hospital Board Chair A.J. Seay regarding a desire to work more closely together. He also discussed news of a large Veteran’s Administration medical facility planned for construction in Rolla. Moser expressed a similar desire to collaborate and reiterated the importance of the entire medical community working together to improve the public health. There being no further business the next regular meeting of the Dent County Health Center Board of Trustees was set for Thursday, July 17th at 5:00, followed by adjournment of the meeting.
The Salem Police department has released their report for the month of May. The department responded to nine accidents during the month. Officers also responded to five commercial alarms sounding and addressed 44 animal calls. The department investigated six assaults or fights in progress, five burglaries, performed 25 well being checks and 26 area checks during the month. The department also investigated 11 domestic disputes, conducted 56 follow-up investigations and provided 16 escorts. They investigated four incidents of fraud, three harassment reports, took two missing persons report, and offered assistance to four motorists. The Salem police wrote 11 property damage reports during May, plus made 21 stealing and five shoplifting reports. Officers investigated 14 suspicious circumstance calls, 15 suspicious person calls and seven suspicious vehicle calls. Officers responded to four trespassing calls and attempted to serve 11 warrants in May. Officers conducted 63 traffic stops during the month. The police responded to a total of 623 in incidents in May. The average response time to calls during May was two minutes and 21 seconds and the average time spent on the scene was 17 minutes and 35 seconds.