Local News – Monday, June 10th, 2019
The Dent County Fire Protection District Board of Directors Meeting took place at 6:00 Tuesday evening, June 4th. After the call to order, a motion was made and carried to approve the consent agenda and minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed and approved as presented. Bills were heard and approved with an ending balance of $215,894.22 as of the end of May. The budget was reviewed and approved. On Wednesday afternoon at 2:00, the bids will be opened for the station improvement and only one bid was received. In the monthly reimbursement report, the department received a total of 22 calls for the month of May, bringing the total calls year to date to 133. In new business, the board of directors for the Dent County Emergency Response Association were revisited with the appointment of new board member Randy Weldon to replace David Greenshields. Craig Smith was voted President, John McColloch vice president, and Dave Wells Secretary/Treasurer. Fire Chief Brad Nash reported that the trucks are being tested and general repairs are being performed and that the station is getting a general cleaning and inspection. The date for the next meeting was set for July 2nd at 6:00 at the fire station.
The Dent County Sheriff’s Department has released a number of reports from May. On Saturday, May 25th, deputies conducted a traffic stop at the Highway 72 and Route J intersection. During the course of the traffic stop, a 30-year-old Salem woman was arrested for driving while being intoxicated and for being in possession of marijuana or a synthetic cannabinoid of 10 grams or less, a prior drug offense. The woman was transported to the Dent County Sheriff’s Office where she was fingerprinted, issued a summons and was released. On Sunday, May 26th, deputies received a report of two men trespassing on a residence on Dent County Road 3220. The deputies traveled to the residence and during the course of the incident, located a 41-year-old Salem man and a 24-year-old Salem man who were then arrested for trespassing in the 1st degree. Both men were transported to the Dent County Sheriff’s Office where they were issued summons and released. On Friday, May 31st, deputies traveled to the 600 block of Route JJ for a warrant check. During the course of the service, a 49-year-old Salem man was arrested for having active warrants through Jasper County. The man was transported to the Dent County Sheriff’s Office where he later posted bond and was released. If anyone has information regarding an ongoing investigation, please contact the Dent County Sheriff’s Department at 729-3241.
The following reports have been submitted by the Salem Police Department. On Saturday afternoon, June 1st, at approximately 4:37, an officer was dispatched to Wal-Mart in reference to trespassing. The investigation of the report led to the arrest of a 37-year-old male of Salem for trespassing after having been issued a no trespass order. The suspect was issued a summons to appear in court and released. The next morning at about 7:35, a vehicle was stopped for a warrant investigation. The investigation led to the arrest of a 30-year-old female of Salem on an active arrest warrant from Phelps County. The suspect was incarcerated pending extradition. Then on Tuesday afternoon, June 4th, at approximately 12:17, an officer was dispatched to Southeast Missouri Behavioral Health Center in reference to a violation of an ex-parte order. The investigation of the report revealed a 31-year-old male of Salem had violated an ex-parte order. The report is under investigation. Later that afternoon at about 3:48, an officer transported a 30-year-old female of Licking from Texas County Jail to Dent County Jail due to an active arrest warrant from the City of Salem. The suspect was incarcerated pending a court appearance. The next night at approximately 7:55 a vehicle was stopped for a traffic violation. The investigation of the report led to the arrest of a 25-year-old male of Licking for driving while revoked. The suspect was issued a summons to appear in court and released. Please contact the Salem Police Department at (573) 729-4242 if you have any information regarding an investigation.
Reservations are now being accepted for the City of Salem two Pavilions that can be rented at the Salem City Park for an entire day. The cost of the Fireplace Pavilion on the circle drive is $45 per day and the large pavilion on the west side of the creek is $35 for the entire day. This includes electric and lights. Other pavilions at the park are free and cannot be reserved. Please contact the Salem Community Center@The Armory at 729-8163 or drop by 1200 West Rolla Road for availability or to reserve a pavilion.
A summer cupcake decorating class will be held Tuesday evening from 6:00 to 8:00 at the Creative Arts Center. This course is being taught by Shannon Phelps and the cost is $20 per person. You can become a “sweet” artist and when finished, you get to take home 12 decorated cupcakes to your family. All materials are provided with the $20 fee. You must call this morning to register at 247-0279 or stop by the Ozark Natural and Cultural Resource Center at 202 South Main Street.