Local News – Monday, July 8th, 2024
This week is your last chance to see nineteen art reproductions of paintings by Rudolph (Rudy) Wendelin, courtesy of Mark Twain National Forest, on display at the Ozark Natural and Cultural Resource Center in Salem. The Wendelin exhibit showcases the historic artist’s iconic Smokey Bear campaign imagery that he created during his decades of service to the U.S. Forest Service, starting in the 1930s. The exhibit will be concluding this Friday July 12th. You can visit the ONCRC Monday through Friday from 9:00 in the morning to 5:00 in the afternoon. On loan from the USDA National Agricultural Library, these replica paintings were completed from 1977 through 1995 and remain the most famous depictions of Smokey Bear. Painter Rudy Wendelin worked for the Forest Service as an illustrator beginning in 1933 and was the mastermind behind Smokey’s human-like appearance in his signature ranger hat and blue jeans. Thanks to Wendelin’s art, Smokey’s message “Only YOU can prevent wildfires” has prevailed through the generations. Jordan Mays, Community Engagement Specialist for Mark Twain National Forest helped arrange this special event and hopes it will spread awareness of Smokey Bear and his important message of caring for forests through wildfire prevention. Forest Service staff, art presentations, educational content, commemorative memorabilia, and special appearances by Smokey Bear have been ongoing during the scheduled showing that began mid June. If you missed him during the parade you can go back and watch in on the various KSMO social media sites. The ONCRC is located at 202 S Main St in Salem. If you have any questions about the exhibit, contact Jordan Mays at (573) 210-5393 or the Forest’s office in Salem at (573) 729-6656.
The Dent County Fire Protection district board of directors will be meeting Tuesday evening at 6:00 at the fire station at 2 South Main Street. After the roll call and approval of the consent agenda, the minutes from the May and June meetings will be reviewed before hearing the financial report and approval of bills followed by a review of the budget. Discussion will then by held on the repair, sealing, and restriping of the parking lot and surplus equipment. New business to be brought before the board include the discussion of legal representation for the department and the new insurance policy, the AFG grant, and reimbursement requests. Chief Floyd will then give his report to the board. The date will then be set for the August meeting before adjourning. The meeting Tuesday evening will be open to the public.
The Ozark Natural and Cultural Resource Center at 202 S Main Street here in Salem will host a presentation of the book “Summers at Cedar Grove” this Saturday morning at 10. The author of the book Ben Timson, will be available for a book signing session. Timson was a professor of Biomedical Sciences at Missouri State University for 32 years before retiring two years ago. Summers at Cedar Grove, The Rise and Fall of an Ozark Village, is Timson’s book about his summers spent at Cedar Grove and the history of Cedar Grove, Missouri, along the Current River. The Dent County Historical Society is the sponsor of the event. For more information, please call
Deloris Gray Wood, president of the Society, at 573 729-2545 or send an email to uppercurrentriver@gmail.com.
This Thursday the 11th the Bonebrake Center of Nature and History will be having their Mudbugs Waterfest! A swimming pool full of water, some squirt guns, and of course Popsicles! They’re going to have fun games to try out this year, and maybe even an old-fashioned seed-spittin’ contest. Parents, you’ll want to bring some towels or dry clothes for the drive home. The Mudbugs Waterfest will start at 2:00 this Thursday afternoon. Suggested donation is $2 per child and any additional donations are always welcome. All funds go to the Bonebrake Center. These programs are geared for ages 6-12, but all ages are welcome! Parents, are requested to please accompany their children.
An accident occurred Saturday afternoon at 1:45 in Phelps County on Highway 68 a mile east of county road 4380. According to the Highway Patrol report a westbound 2021 Harley Davidson CVO Road Glide, operated by 52-year-old Michael Weber of Collinsville, Illinois, failed to negotiate a curve causing the vehicle to cross the center of the roadway and overturn ejecting the driver. Weber suffered serious injuries and was flown by Phelps Air to Mercy Hospital St. Louis. The report stated that Weber was not wearing safety equipment at the time of the accident. The motorcycle sustained moderate damage and was removed from the scene by Spurgeons Towing.