Local News – Monday, July 12th, 2021
The Dent County Sheriff’s Department has released a number of reports. On Wednesday, June 23rd, a deputy conducted a traffic stop in the 1000 block of North Highway 19. As a result of the stop, a 34-year-old Salem man was arrested for driving while having his license revoked or suspended, a 1st offense. The man was transported to the Dent County jail where he was fingerprinted, issued a summons and released. The next day, on the 24th, a deputy conducted a traffic stop at the Highway 72 and Highway PP intersection. At that time a 19-year-old woman from Salem was arrested for operating a motor vehicle on a highway without a valid license, a 1st offense. She was transported to the Dent County jail where she was fingerprinted, issued a summons and released. On Friday, the 25th of June, a deputy conducted a traffic stop at the intersection of Highway 72 and County Road 3180. During the stop, a 24-year-old Raymore man was arrested for possession of marijuana. The man was transported to the Dent County jail where he was fingerprinted, issued a summons and released. Also arrested during the incident was a 27-year-old man from Belton for active warrants. The Belton man was transported to the Dent County Jail and incarcerated. On Sunday the 27th, a deputy conducted a traffic stop in the 500 block of East Roosevelt Street. During the course of the stop, a 22-year-old Salem woman was arrested for possession of a controlled substance except 35 grams or less of marijuana or synthetic cannabinoid. The woman was transported to the Dent County jail where she was fingerprinted, issued summons and released. If you have any information regarding an ongoing investigation, please call the Dent County Sheriff’s office at 729-3241.
The City of Salem wants the public to know that utility bills for consumption from 5/15/2021-6/15/2021 included the once-a-year charge of the state’s water primacy and sewer fees. Information about the Missouri Department of Natural Resources’ fees is available at: https://dnr.mo.gov,. The bills also reflected the 5% rebate adjustment for accounts paying the 2/8/2021-5/15/2021 consumption bill by the due date. Anyone who hasn’t received their bill or that has questions about their account is asked to contact the utility office. They also want to remind everyone that penalties and disconnects for non-payment will go back into effect July 15, 2021. Payment or arrangements for the 5/15/2021-6/15/2021 consumption bill must be made by July 22, 2021 to avoid penalties, and by 5 pm August 5, 2021 as printed on the bill to avoid disconnect. Bills also indicate they serve as the first and final notice. The Utility Office will use a combination of channels to inform customers with balances of the upcoming dates and options to avoid penalties and disconnects. On August 6, 2021 the city will start performing disconnects for non-payment and the number of accounts to be disconnected will not be known until that time. Electric service can be disconnected remotely in the utility office with water disconnects requiring a service person to go onsite to perform the disconnect.
The University of Missouri Extension is presenting a Home Food Preservation workshop on pressure canning this Saturday, July 17th at the Salem Community Center@The Armory from 10:00 in the morning until noon. The Home Food Preservation series is comprised of six workshops that focus on safe and correct food preservation methods in the home setting. This session is hands-on where participants will learn to pressure can mixed garden vegetables. Each participant will leave with a pint of canned vegetables. The cost of the workshop is $25. You can register at extension.missouri.edu and type in pressure canning in the search bar. If you have questions or need more information, contact Rachel Buenemann at 573-458-6260 or call the Dent County Extension Office at 729-3196.
The Missouri State Highway Patrol says a rise in speeding and other reckless driving behaviors continues to be a disturbing trend in 2021. During the first six months of this year, more than 450 people lost their lives in a crash on Missouri roadways. The primary causes are all too common and include excessive speeds, during 2021, Missouri State Highway Patrol troopers have issued more than 16,000 citations to drivers traveling 20 miles per hour or more over the posted speed limit which is a 9% increase from the same time period in 2020. Following the August 2020 repeal of the all-rider helmet law, motorcyclist fatalities are up 33% and the number of unhelmeted riders killed in crashes increased from two in the first six months of 2020 to 31 so far in 2021.As the state nears the halfway point of the “100 Deadliest Days”, those days between Memorial Day and Labor Day when traffic fatalities are most prevalent, it’s imperative to be mindful of safety every time you’re the roadways. Doing so may mean the difference between life and death. Missouri’s strategic highway safety plan, Show-Me Zero, provides information and strategies all Missourians can use to promote four key messages: buckle up, phone down, slow down, and drive sober. More information can be found at www.savemolives.com.
The Missouri Department of Conservation is currently recruiting and accepting online applications to fill an academy class of conservation agent trainees. Successful candidates will undergo 26 weeks of intense training in all facets of law enforcement and resource management and conservation stewardship. Upon graduation, newly commissioned conservation agents receive a county assignment and become the face of conservation in their communities fairly enforcing the Wildlife Code of Missouri to promote voluntary compliance and serving the public “off the beaten path.” You can get more information on essential agent job duties, education requirements, experience and knowledge needed, required skills and abilities, physical abilities required, pay and benefits, how to apply, conditions of employment, and more online at jobs.mdc.mo.gov. To learn more about the job, contact MDC Protection Branch Major Brian Ham at 573-751-4115, ext. 3819 or Brian.Ham@mdc.mo.gov.