Local News – Monday, January 29th, 2024
It is with sincere regret the Salem Memorial Hospital Board of Directors have announced the Salem Memorial Hospital Home Health Agency will permanently close its services as of February 14, 2024. They would like to thank the community for the support given throughout the years.
The Salem Board of Aldermen held their regular meeting at the Salem Community Center @The Armory. The board heard a presentation from Liz Condray with the Salem Area Community Betterment Association on the upcoming visit of the Missouri Humanities Council “Crossroads, Change in Rural America” exhibit that will be at the Ozark Natural and Cultural Resource Center for six weeks beginning on March 23rd. Public Works Director Mark Nash received board approval to purchase eight Gateway modules for the AMI System from Nexgrid Technology Solutions at a cost of $8,266. The board then approved the sale of surplus equipment and vehicles to be listed on the Purple Wave online auction service. City Administrator Sally Burbridge presented the Utility Committee’s recommendation to add a water bill protection program through the Servline Bill Protection Program. The program is for water bill coverage with a maximum of $2,500 at a cost of $2.35 per month. This is not to fix the water leak, just to protect the customer against a high bill when a leak goes undetected. This will be an opt-out program, so customers must inform the city if they don’t want to participate. This program was approved by the board. Resolution No. 1-2024 regarding approval of a new Utility Collections Agency was tabled under the advice of Attorney Weber. The board approved an airport fuel bid from Naegler Transport at a cost of $10,397.50. The board also approved the Park and Recreation Board’s recommendation to purchase a 2022 Ford F-250 at a cost of $42,689 with a budget adjustment of $7,689. Resolution 2-2024, authorizing the mayor to execute an agreement between the City of Salem and the MRPC to provide technical assistance for the CDBG environmental review for $5,500, was approved. The board approved allowing the Mayor to sign the Financial Assistance Agreement and the General Terms and Conditions document for the Lead Service Line Inventory Project to receive the Full Grant Award from state ARPA funds. The board then approved the Utility Committee’s recommendation for the adoption of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) Policy as part of the Salem Municipal Utilities policy for all new customer accounts to receive messaging and phone calls from the City. City Financial Director Stacey Houston gave a financial update. January tax revenues are down 2% from last year. $1.1 million has been received in general fund and the city has begun collecting the additional 1% sales tax and has received $243,000 to date. Houston reported that the total of all city funds is $8.4 million as of December 2023. She noted that Phase 2A of the Wastewater Improvement Project, which is ARPA-funded, and Phase 2B, which is bond-funded, are in the architecture design phase, and she has received billing for Phase 2, which could mean the city will have to seek short-term funding in the amount of $400,000. Park and Rec Director, Melissa Dubois gave her report before Mayor Greg Parker recommended the appointment of a number of people to the Community Involvement Committee which includes Roma Jones, Kristy Bermudez, Alana Sellers, Sierra Connell, Carlos Lopez and Patty and Gary McEwen. The recommendations were approved. The board approved the library board’s request to add Sally Granowski to the Salem Library Board to replace Rhonda Thompson. The board heard the first reading of Bill #3581 to amend the duties of the Utility Committee eliminating the reference to the street department, and the first reading of Bill #3582 that would change the utility deposits from a fixed cost to one that would be 1/12th of the previous year’s utilities at that address. They also heard the first reading of Bill #3583 changing the terminology of the definitions and duties of the building inspector, Bill #3584 that would also change the terminology and responsibilities for violations written by the building inspector, and Bill #3587 amending the annual budget for the City beginning July 1, 2023. The total revenue is amended at $889,076 and expenses at $622,720 for a total change of $41,090. The board approved Resolution #3-2024, a change order as part of the Welcome Home Program for a home located at 503 E. Rolla Road at a deduction of $2,500. Burbridge reported that there were two water leaks at the Civic Center with extensive damage to the Council Chambers. Insurance Claims have been made and city staff have done the clean up. The water has been turned off at the building and a plumber will be asked to assess what changes need to be made. The Sewer Department recently had a DNR inspection on the collection system with no violations being found and a notice of compliance will be issued. After reports from the aldermen and city officials, the board went into closed session.