Local News – Monday, January 27th, 2020
The Dent County Budget Hearing will be held this morning at 10:00 at the Dent County Commissioners office in the Dent County Courthouse. The commission’s regular meeting will begin at 9:00. The public is welcome to attend the regular meeting and budget hearing.
The Dent County Commissioners met for the regular meeting Thursday morning in the Dent County Courthouse. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Dennis Purcell said that crews were out treating hills, curves and junctions, as well as any other slick spots. He said another crew was replacing road signs on Dent County Roads 4080, 5160 and 5170. Purcell requested that the public please call the Dent County Sheriff’s Office at 729-3241 if they observe anyone stealing or damaging county road signs. He also noted he attended the Tourism Tax Commission meeting on Monday where they had no proposals presented and two requests for reimbursement were submitted and approved. District 2 Commissioner Gary Larson said his crews were also treating slick spots and replacing signs, plus getting equipment ready for the next snow storm. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles reported that on Tuesday he attended the MRPC Legislative Day at the Capital where they shared legislative priorities with 122nd District Representatives Steve Lynch of Pulaski County, 61st District Representative Aaron Griesheimer of Gasconade County, and Senator Justin Brown. The legislators indicated that they felt they were going to make some headway on reducing the per-diem owed to counties and that the State would be supporting broadband expansion. Dwight Ramsburg with Septagone came in to visit the Commission and scheduled a jail update for Monday at 11:00. Financial audit bids were received from Daniel Jones & Associates of Arnold and Devereux & Company of St. Charles. The low bid of $12,500 from Devereux & Company was approved 3-0. Dent County Coroner Gina White and Deputy Coroner Ben Pursifull were in to discuss her budget.
The Salem Police Department has released their report for the month of December. They issued 6 equipment repair orders, 8 summonses to appear in court, 11 warning tickets, and 12 traffic tickets, plus they also served 2 fugitive warrants. The Salem Police investigated 4 traffic accidents, wrote 2 property damage reports, 7 stealing reports, and 1 report of interfering or resisting arrest. The department investigated 2 driving while intoxicated, 4 possessions of a controlled substance reports, 2 possessions of drug paraphernalia and 2 domestic assault reports, along with 1 leaving the scene of an accident. The department was also dispatched for 38 animal calls, 34 ambulance assist calls, and performed 72 traffic stops for the month. The Salem Police Department received 942 calls for service during the month of December and had 75 walk-ins to the station. The department drove 7,722 miles during the month and spent 20 hours in court testifying and 6 hours as court bailiff. There were 15 males and 7 females arrested in December. The department also reported that during the month of December the “shop with a cop” program was a success with 22 children being supplied with Christmas presents. The Salem Police Department, Dent County Sheriffs office, Missouri State Highway Patrol and the U. S. Forest Service also participated in the event.
At the 2020 Salem Memorial District Hospital Foundation’s “Dancing with the Salem Stars” at the SHS gym this year’s winning couple was Shannon Wright and Jaimie Jones. Taking second place was Brett Capps and Megan Seay while the People’s Choice Award went to Thom Haines and Marilyn Sweitzer. The foundation wanted to thank all the businesses and individuals who sponsored tables and those who attended the event with bleacher seats.