Local News – Monday, December 4th, 2017
The Salvation Army Dent County Service Unit has partnered with Healthy Dent County to provide the annual Angel Tree program this year. The Angel Tree is located at the Salem Community Center @ the Armory and is available from 8:00 AM until 4:30 PM. Local residents have always enjoyed adopting a child, shopping for clothing, coats, hats, and toys. Some families use this time of year to teach their children the importance of giving during the holiday season. Because of the different location, citizens will have to come to the front lobby of the Salem Community Center@ the Armory at 1200 West Rolla Road to adopt a child, purchase the gifts, and then bring the gifts back to the Community Center. In recent years, there have been over 200 children’s names on the tree and all were adopted by the very generous citizens in our community. Sign-ups for families wanting to participate in the Angel Tree will end this Tuesday, December 5th. That will also be the final day to sign up your children to receive toys from the Dent County Fire Station Toy Drive. The hours at the fire station to sign up your children for the Angel Tree and Toy Drive Tuesday will be from 3:00 to 5:30. For information about the Angel Tree program, please call 729-8163.
The Salem Police Department has released some reports. On Friday, November 11th at about 4:05 in the afternoon, an officer was dispatched to Third and Missouri Streets in reference damage to a vehicle. The investigation of the report revealed that a person or persons unknown broke a window valued at $350.00 out of a blue 2003 Ford truck. The report is under investigation. On Saturday, November 25th at 9:14 in the morning, an officer was sent to Smith and Jadwin Auto Body on Highway 32 East in reference to damage to a vehicle. That investigation revealed a person or persons unknown broke the front door windows on a black 2001 Chevrolet Tahoe and a black 2007 GMC Sierra. The value of the damage is approximately $600.00. The report is currently being investigated. On Sunday, November 26th at about 6:11 in the evening, an officer was detailed to Walmart in reference to a shoplifter. The investigation of the report led to the arrest of a 25-year old female of O’Fallon for stealing merchandise valued at $166.92. The suspect was issued a summons to appear in court and released. Please contact the Salem Police Department at (573) 729-4242 if you have information regarding any ongoing investigation.
The Salem Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing and meeting starting at 6:30 tonight to discuss the petition for the annexation and the zoning of that property commercial by Max and LaWanna Inman, the Trustees of the Inman Living Trust. The Board of Aldermen will hold their regular meeting following the Planning and Zoning meeting at approximately 7:00. The board will hear from Gary Brown about the Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing and Meeting. City Administrator Ray Walden will give his report that will include the CDL Policy and differential pay he brought to the aldermen at the last meeting, and he will also have a request to change the date of the Board of Aldermen next meeting. Mayor Brad Nash will then give his report before the board moves into New and Miscellaneous Business that will include the approval of bills over $3,000. The board will go into closed session to discuss contracts and personnel. The meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission at 6:30 and the regular Board of Aldermen meeting at 7:00 are both open to the public.