Local News – Monday, December 27, 2021
The Dent County Health Center Board of Trustees met for their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, December 16th. Administrator Zach Moser updated the Board on the current COVID status in Dent County. In November there were 109 new cases of COVID-19 investigated. According to MoDHSS, as of December 16th, 34.2% of Dent County residents have received their first dose of vaccine and 30.4% have completed the series. Dent County’s Positivity Rate was 19.4%. Moser noted that Pediatric C19 vaccine is available at the Health Center and adult vaccine is available at Moser Pharmacy, Vandivort Pharmacy, Sinks Pharmacy and Wal-Mart Pharmacy. He reported that Flu season has begun with at least two cases reported so far. Moser stated that 80 appointments for blood draws in the lab were held in November and that the Health Center can conduct most blood tests at a reduced cost for those without insurance. Anyone can have their labs done at the Health Center. The number of COVID tests has continued to increase with 130 being done during November. The cost of the rapid antigen test is $10 and PCR test can be sent to the state lab and Labcorp under certain circumstances. Zach reported that 480 COVID-19 vaccine doses were administered during the month and that the gift Health Center continues to offer the $50 card to Country Mart through a program funded by the state for anyone getting their first or second dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Sixty-three Influenza vaccines were given, and 19 other vaccines were administered. There were 837 appointments for the month of November. In the administrator’s report Moser reported that the Health Center started using the new electronic health record system, Ashley Esquivel was hired as a new RN, Monoclonal antibody treatments have started, the MOSWIN radio was reinstalled after being down for over a year due to the move from MacArthur Avenue, and Sandra Headrick has confirmed that she will continue to provide services for the Sho Me Healthy Women program. Health Center financials for the month of November were approved. In contract updates he said that the Increasing Adult COVID-19 Immunization Contract had provided the implementation of the electronic health records system. Moser went on to say that the Enhancing Laboratory Capacity CARES expansion contract was awarded, and the final signed contract has been received. He noted that the Maternal-Child Health (MCH) contract has been renewed and that child safety is the focus of this contract. WIC appointments have picked up and Sho Me Healthy Women, which provides free breast and cervical screenings for women who qualify and Healthy Women, which provides free breast and cervical screenings for women who qualify and can be scheduled by calling the Health Center at (573) 729-3106. Moser reported that he has applied for a C19 Health Disparities Grant which will allow expanding laboratory capabilities. In anticipation of the Grant being funded the Board pre-approved bids for a blood chemistry analyzer and an A1c analyzer in the amounts of $15,714 and $3,896 respectively, if and when the funding becomes available. He stated that the roofing color has been chosen and delivery of materials will be soon as the color chosen was in stock. Moser said that an informal bid for the planned renovation work had been received and others are expected soon, so no action was taken by the Board. Zach discussed the legal impact of the Robinson vs. DHSS ruling in Cole County, which is moot as Dent County Health Center was not enforcing quarantine and isolation orders as a matter of law, plus Missouri School Boards Association has sent a letter to the schools emphasizing their ongoing responsibility to protect their students and staff, as the ruling did not affect schools. Before adjourning the Board set the next regular meeting date for Thursday, January 20th.
The City of Salem Board of Aldermen will be meeting Tuesday evening, December 28th, at 6:00 at the City Hall Council Chambers. After the Roll Call and approval of the Consent Agenda, which includes Utility Committee meeting minutes of October 19th and December 20th, the following Bill and Resolution will be introduced and read. Bill #3496, an ordinance amending Chapter 700, Article 1, of The Code of Ordinances of the City of Salem, pertaining to disconnection of Utility Services. Resolution #38-2021, a Resolution authorizing the filing of an application with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Clean State Revolving Fund Program for an engineering grant under the Missouri Clean Water Law (Chapter 644, RSMo.). Following those items of business will be the reports of city officials, boards and committees. The Board of Alderman will then go into closed session to consider contracts. The regular meeting of the City of Salem Board of Alderman Tuesday evening is open to the public.