Local News – Monday, August 23th, 2021
The City of Salem announces Mayor Brad Nash has submitted his letter of resignation for personal reasons effective Friday, August 20th, 2021. Because of the resignation of Mayor Nash, a special meeting of the City of Salem Board of Aldermen has been called by Alderwoman Kim Steelman and Alderman Kevin James for this evening at 7:00 in City Hall Council Chambers at 202 North Washington. After the call to order and roll call, the board will elect and administer the oath of office to a new Mayor. The aldermen will also present Bill #3488 to amend Chapter 110, Article II, Section 110.170 concerning the Board of Aldermen meeting days and times. This bill will edit sub-sections A and B to read as follows: Section A – The board of aldermen of the city shall meet in regular session in the board room of the City Hall at the hour of 6:00 PM on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month and Section B – If the regular meeting shall fall on a holiday, the regular meeting shall be held at 6:00 PM on the following Thursday. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage and approval and shall remain in effect from the date of passage. The special meeting of the City of Salem Board of Aldermen this evening is open to the public.
The Salem R-80 Board of Education held a tax rate hearing Thursday evening before their regular meeting at the district administrative offices. Superintendent Lynne Reed said the real estate assessed valuation increased $206,000 and the personal property in Dent County went up $636,000 dollars. Last year, the operating levy was $2.75 per $100 assessed valuation and the debt service was 45 cents per $100 assessed valuation for a total of $3.20. There was no public input. In the regular meeting, Dr. Herman Blau from the William Lynch Elementary School stated 235 total students enrolled as of August 12th. He said the open house for Tiger Tots will be Monday starting at 4:00 and being staggered by last name first letters, while the kindergarten and 1st grade open house will be Tuesday from 5:00 until 6:30, again staggered by last name first letters. At the Upper Elementary School, they have 338 students enrolled but that number is changing daily. Superintendent Reed said the district is in desperate need for bus drivers and if anyone would be interested to get in touch with the district at 729-6642. The board approved the 2020-2021 Annual Secretary of the Board Report and the tax rate of $3.20 per $100 assessed valuation as presented at the tax hearing. The board approved the Head Start Memorandum of Understanding and Transition Agreement and approved the three-year fuel bid from County Fuels for $2.2566 per gallon for unleaded and $2.3945 per gallon for diesel. The board decided not to revise board policy GBEBC that dealt with students reporting arrests to the school. The board discussed the Safe to Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan for the school year. The board decided temperature checks this year were not needed, that students are recommended to wear a mask but they are not required to do so, and teachers are recommended to wear a mask but it is not required. Superintendent Reed said federal law requires masks to be worn on school busses. If someone tests positive for COVID, they will have to be in isolation for 14 days while those exposed to someone may quarantined for 10 days and come back if they are fever free and symptom free. This does not apply for those who are vaccinated. The board approved the ESSER III Plan and budget where the school will be getting $3.85 million dollars of which 20% must go to learning lost and the other 80 percent can go to salaries. The money that would have been used for salaries will remain in the general fund and the school would be able to transfer the full amount of their annual allotment to Fund 4 for building improvements. The board discussed the Extended Paid Sick Leave for COVID and after a long discussion and different options, agreed to extend the program on a month-to-month basis which will be reviewed by the board. The board approved the FFA National Convention out of state trip and the High School choir out of state trip subject to the change if conditions with the pandemic change before the second semester. Superintendent Reed said she was in support of forfeiting sick leave for support staff who leave the employment of the Salem R-80 district without giving two-weeks-notice. This is a part of board policy GDBDA and she will confer with DESE about their opinion. The board then went into closed session.
An accident happened at 10:00 Thursday night in Dent County on Route H about 13 miles west of Salem. According to the highway patrol report, 35-year-old Steven Stagner of Salem was riding a 2001 Yamaha V-Star when he failed to negotiate a curve and traveled off the right side of the roadway. Stagner was ejected from the Yamaha and was not wearing safety devices. He suffered serious injuries and was flown by Air Evac to Mercy St. Louis Hospital. The Yamaha was totaled and removed from the scene by American Muffler and Towing.
Superintendent Holland from Oak Hill R-1 School has announced that due to a number of positive COVID cases and staff on quarantine, they will postpone the opening of school until Tuesday, September 7th. They also want parents to know their open house has been cancelled.
Due to circumstances beyond their control, the Salem License Office in the Crossroads will be closed today through Friday, August 27th. They will reopen Monday August 30th at 8:00 AM.