Local News – Monday, April 15, 2024

The City of Salem Park and Recreation Board will be meeting this evening at 5:30 at the Salem Community Center at The Armory. During a previous meeting of the board, they had approved the acquisition of a 5.6 acre parcel of property known as the “old fairgrounds” on Franklin Street. In the current budget year, the parks and recreation department is budgeted to make the final 25,000.00 payment to complete a loan from the capital improvement fund to the parks and recreation fund for the purchase of the property. Members of the board of aldermen are requesting the parks and recreation board consider trading the “old fairgrounds” property for 5 acres on 10th Street known as the “old middle school”. This would meet the previously discussed need for a park on the east side of town and could potentially provide a connection between the city park and the Bonebrake Center of Nature and History. The meeting will be open to the public.

The Dent County Fire Protection district board of directors met Tuesday evening. After approval of the consent agenda and approval of the March minutes the financial report was heard showing an ending balance of 222,902.27 as of March 31st. Bills, payment, and statements, along with the budget were reviewed and approved. During the calendar review it was noted that on April 15th there would be a walk through at the R-1 school for a fire safety inspection. The monthly reimbursement report showed a total of 33 calls for the month of March and 105 calls year to date. Of those calls for service 16 were fire calls, along with responding to four accidents, three alarm calls, two agency assist, two medical calls, and one each public service and utility problems. Four calls were listed as other. In old business, the lawn care service bids were presented with a 150.00 bid from Scenic Rivers and a bid of 80.00 from Larry Lundy. It was suggested that Chief Floyd take care of getting the lawn mowed. The tower lease information was tabled until after a statement is received as well as bids for the repair of water damage. It was reported to the board that the repeater has been installed and working properly. After a 2nd reading of a bylaw change for closed sessions, a vote was made and carried to accept the latest changes to page 7 of closed sessions and was made a permanent part of the bylaws. The board also discussed the truck and SCBA financing. The bid from the bank of Salem was 9% for five years, Progressive Ozark Bank at 5.49% for 7 years, Community Leasing Partners was 5.99% for 7 years and Town and Country Bank, 5.25% for 10 years. The bid was approved from Town and Country Bank. In new business, Vince Murdock came in to talk to the board about a bill he had received for a fire on his property on March 13th. He had received a bill for 6,636.00. After he explained the situation on how the fire started and that it involved more that just his property, it was decided to rescind the bill. He also offered to make a 500.00 donation to the department which was accepted by the board. A bid from the Darrell Hayes was presented to 12,270.00 for the repair, sealing, and re-striping of the parking lot. Due to the cost being over 3,000.00 the board will need to obtain more bids before a decision can be made. The board also discussed a handicap ramp on the north side of the building but no action was taken. Chief Floyd then gave his report to the board and said that SCBAs are on order but no delivery date has been given. He also mentioned that the vehicle fire training class hosted by Missouri State University of Columbia was a success with 19 attendees present. Floyd also reported that the department is updating the new software with inventory items and that filters and items to service the trucks has been ordered. The date was then set for the next meeting to take place on Tuesday, May 7th at 6:00 at the fire station which will be open to the public. The board then went into closed session where they approved probationary firefighter Mason Blair be added to the roster, and approved to move Assistant Chief Dennis Floyd to the position as Chief and Lieutenant Derrick Thomas to the position of Assistant Chief. The meeting was then adjourned.

The Salem Memorial Hospital Board of Directors will hold their regular meeting at 6:00 in the hospital library Tuesday evening. At the meeting, Interim Administrator Jason Edwards will give his report before the board hears the summary of operations for the month of March as well as statistics for the month. The board will hear about the 340B program, receive the Chief Nursing Officer report from Ashley Owens and be updated on Human Resources. In old business the Board will be updated on State and Match Funding, plus receive a Strategic Planning update. In new business the Board will review a Governing Body Bylaw amendment and conduct the election of officers. The board may then vote to go into closed session. The Salem Memorial Hospital Board of Directors meeting Tuesday night is open to the public. To attend the meeting electronically, contact the hospital administration office at (573) 729-6626, extension 4005.