Local News – Monday, April 11th, 2022
The City of Salem Public Water Supply Annual Water Quality Report has been released and there were no violations that occurred for the calendar year 2021. All levels of contaminants found were lower than required by government regulations. If you would like to see the City of Salem Annual Water Quality Report, a copy can be found at the City of Salem Administration Building at 4th and Iron Streets, the dent County Courthouse, the Salem Public Library, at the Salem Water Department Office or at the KSMO Radio studios.
An accident occurred Saturday evening in Crawford County on Highway C & Route CC about 8 miles north of Cuba. According to the highway patrol report, a 2005 Chevrolet Impala driven by 26-year-old Tara Maness of Cuba, was traveling eastbound and failed to stop at a stop sign and began to enter the intersection. At that time, a 2012 Toyota Camry driven by 39-year-old Amanda Caravelli of Cuba, was travelling westbound and attempted to swerve to avoid the Chevrolet but was struck. Maness suffered moderate injuries and Caravelli suffered minor injuries. Both parties refused medical treatment at the scene. They both were wearing safety restraints at the time of the accident. The Chevrolet was totaled, and the Toyota sustained extensive damage. Both vehicles were removed from the scene by Chris & Sons Towing.
The Missouri Department of Transportation crews will begin the annual process of striping roadways across mid-Missouri, beginning Monday, April 11th. Crews will start on minor routes where paint has faded, or no shoulder lines are in place. The process will then move to major routes, such as interstates and four-lane roadways, later this spring. Motorists will encounter slow-moving lines of trucks with flashing lights, boards with flashing arrows and signs that say, “Wet Paint.” Drivers are reminded to stay behind the last truck in the striping train, which is placed well behind the striping truck. This will give the new paint time to dry and keep drivers from tracking fresh paint across the lanes and damaging the new stripes. It also will prevent paint from getting onto vehicles. If you do drive through the wet paint, which is water-based, clean your car as quickly as possible with a high-powered water hose such as those used in car washes. On two-lane highways where crews will begin working next week, striping vehicles will pull over where it is safe to let traffic congestion clear. For more information, please call 1-888-ASK-MoDOT (275-6636) or visit www.modot.org/central.
Intercounty Electric Cooperative Association rate adjustment went into effect on April 1st. The rate adjustment decreases the kWh charge and increases the service availability rate from $1.24 to $1.29 per day for residential and single-phase members. The adjustment was done to establish a rate schedule in which the co-op can better stabilize financial uncertainties caused by weather fluctuations. If you have any questions, you can contact member accounts at 866-621-3679.
The City of Salem Board of Aldermen will meet Tuesday evening at 6:00 at the City Hall Council Chambers. The board will discuss old business of Bill No. 3503 that would create an ordinance amending the annual budget for the City of Salem and the appropriation of funds. Then the board will go over bids for a new truck for Salem Department of Parks and Recreation. The board will hear reports from City Administrator Ray Walden, Mayor Kim Steelman, Public Works Director Mark Nash, Economic Development Director Sally Burbridge, Park and Recreation Director Melissa DuBois and any alderman reports. After the reports, the board will certify the April 5th election results. The City Clerk will then administer the Oath of Office to newly elected officials. The board may then go into closed session to discuss contracts before they adjourn. The meeting is open to the public.
The Salem Arts Council will be holding clogging practice and instruction on Monday evenings in April from 5:30 till 7:30 at the Creative Arts Center. Enjoy the cultural art of clogging and try it out for yourself, or just come by and watch. For more information or to register, call 247-0651, message on Facebook or you can e-mail salemartscouncil@outlook.com.