Local News – Friday, October 19th, 2018
The Dent County Commissioners met for their regular meeting Thursday morning in the Dent County Courthouse. Realtor Ralph Williams was in to deal with a real estate situation and the Commissioners completed the necessary paperwork. In the road report, District One Commissioner Dennis Purcell said that grading would be done and materials would be added to Dent County Roads 5150 and 5130, while grading only would be done on county roads 5440, 6020 and 6080. He went on to say that brush would be cut on county road 5220 and that he had a man at the Road and Bridge Department leveling the fill from the jail site excavation. Purcell reported that he attended the Tourism Tax Committee meeting on Monday where four reimbursements applications were submitted and approved. He encouraged potential applicants to call Bill Ard at 314-277-1444 to obtain proposal applications or to contact him. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley asked if some applications could be left at her office and Purcell said that he’d get her some. Purcell reminded potential applicants that the Tourism Tax can be used solely to promote tourism in Dent County. He also reported that he attended the South Central Missouri Community Action Agency meeting in Winona and the Agency’s fiscal year started October 1st so all programs are currently fully funded. Purcell reminded those that meet the income guidelines that funds are available for heating assistance, home weatherization and home repair. Anyone interested in obtaining more information should contact Sarah at 573-729-3500. District Two Commissioner Gary Larson reported that grading would be done on Dent County Roads 2050 and 2060, while brush would be cut on county road 3030. He said that pipes were going to be installed on county roads 3040 and 3190, plus materials would be added where those pipes were installed. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles wanted to remind everyone of the “ATV/UTV Ride For America” coming up Saturday and that Governor Mike Parson would be in Rolla today from Noon until 1:00 at Price Chopper to discuss Proposition D. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley reminded everyone that absentee voting continues in her office through November 5th, that the last day to mail out an absentee ballot is Wednesday, October 31st, and that her office would be open Saturday, November 3rd from 8:00 until noon for absentee voting. She went on to say that sample ballots and plain language explanations of the amendments and propositions were also available. Curley said the Commissioners were approving bills for payment and that ATV/UTV permits were available in her office and at The Commons Friday evening. Dent County Prosecuting Attorney Andrew Curley had sent over the final copy of the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program ordinance. The ordinance was assigned Ordinance Number 1018 and was approved 3-0. Bonnie Prigge and Anne Freund of MRPC and MoDOT District Engineer Preston Kramer were in to review Dent County and the City of Salem transportation needs and to establish priorities. Gary Brown and Bob Parsons, both of whom represent Dent County on the MRPC Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) were also in attendance. Salem City Administrator Ray Walden also serves on the TAC Committee, but was unable to attend due to a prior commitment. Twenty two projects were on the Dent County Transportation Needs list. Two were the bridges on Route F, which were removed since they were completed this year. Kramer reported improvements on Highway 68 from the Phelps County Line to Highway 19 in Salem have been approved for Fiscal Year 2020, and the bridge over Norman Creek on Route FF has been approved for replacement in Fiscal Year 2021. After extensive discussion, the following priorities were established. Number one priority is the bridge over Gladden Creek on Highway 19 South, followed by the installation of a bridge over Crooked Creek on Highway TT in the Sligo area, reducing safety concerns at the intersection of Highway 19 South and Roosevelt Street in Salem was prioritized 3rd, and replacement of the bridge over the West Fork of the Huzzah in Boss was listed 4th. The next meeting of the Commissioners will be Monday morning in the Courthouse at 9:00 and the meeting is open to the public.
Attention all you runners, walkers and bikers in the Salem area! Do you think Salem needs more trails? Come discuss the proposed trail map for the future trails in the Salem Area on Tuesday evening, October 23rd from 5:30 until 6:30. Everyone will meet at the Salem Community Center @ the Armory. Healthy Dent County wants to get as much community input on where the trails should be located as possible. This meeting is open to the public. If you attend, you will be entered for a $50 gift card. For more information or if have any questions, please call Kelsey at 729-8163 or email her at kelsey@salemcommunitycenter.org.