Local News – Friday, October 12th, 2018
Tonight is Homecoming at the Salem High School Football Field held prior to the football game. This year, the Homecoming Court will consist of freshman Evelyn Labastida, sophomore Ashton Mink, junior Addie Konkell and the senior queen candidates are Kristen Golden, Londyn Cook and Lexy Woolman. Salem football players who will escort the ladies on the field include Tristan Newman, Chandler Gray, Hayden Wilson, Nate Case, Cole Elliott and Aaron Pollard. Tonight is also “Pink Out 2018” at the Salem High School Football game. In honor of “Breast Cancer Awareness Month,” the Salem Memorial District Hospital is encouraging everyone to wear something pink to the game to show our support as a community and also to raise awareness in Dent County. Breast Cancer Survivors are scheduled to be honored prior to the game. If you or someone you know who is a survivor and would like to be included in the pre-game activities, please contact Julie Malone at 729-5917, extension 2436 or e-mail Julie at JMalone@smdh.net. If anyone is interested, the Salem Memorial District Hospital will be taking donations to go into their Mammography Fund that will provide lifesaving mammograms to women who financially qualify.
The Dent County Commissioners met Thursday morning at the Dent County Courthouse. Dent County Treasurer Denita Williams brought in the sales tax dollars received in October. She reported that all funds reported lower numbers after last month’s record setting numbers. In the General Revenue Fund, a total of $58,134.52 was received and that is down from the 2017 October figure of $64,197.61. The year-to-date amount for 2018 is $129,546.81 more than 10 months of 2017 which is an increase of 18.5%. The Road and Bridge Fund came in at $26,321.50 and that is down from the 2017 October collection of $30,477.25. The Road and Bridge Fund year-to-date is up $52,422.52 which is about a 16% increase over 2017. The jail funds each received $52,523.01 and those funds have received $748,247.76 year-to-date. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Dennis Purcell said materials would be added and grading was going to be done on Dent County Roads 5140 and 5220 while patch grading was going to be done on county roads 5520, 5530 and 5550 as that area of Dent County received about 3.5 inches of rain Saturday night. Purcell indicated grading would be done on county roads 6040 and 6460, materials would be added to county road 4160 and brush was going to be cut on Dent County Roads 5070 and 5075. District 2 Commissioner Gary Larson stated patch grading was going to be done on Dent County Roads 2120, 2160, 3300 and 2590 while grading only would be done on county roads 2313 and 4400. Materials would be added and grading done on county road 2040 while materials would be added and patch grading done on county road 2300. Larson went on to report brush would be cut on county roads 2315 and 3260 and that workers would be opening the low water crossing on Dent County Road 5260 that workers have reconstructed. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles said the ground breaking ceremony to the jail and justice center was held Thursday afternoon at 1:00 at the corner of Iron and 5th Streets. He also reported that if anyone is interested in the Certificates of Participation for the jail and Justice Center, they should contact L. J. Hart and Company at 800-264-4477 for details and information. These certificates will be sold in $5,000 increments and will be tax exempt from federal and state income. Skiles attended the Transportation Advisory Committee and MRPC board meeting tonight. He did want to remind people the annual MRPC Awards Banquet will be held in Hermann this year on Thursday, October 25th and tickets are available by calling the MRPC at 573-265-2993. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley said absentee voting will continue until November 5th at the courthouse. Her office will be open Saturday, November 3rd from 8:00 in the morning until noon for absentee voting. She said the last day to mail out a ballot would be Wednesday, October 31st. Curley said sample ballots are available in her office and she also has the fair ballot language explanations for the amendments and propositions for those who want them. The next meeting of the Dent County Commissioners will be Monday morning at 9:00 and the meeting is open to the public.