Local News – Friday, November 4th, 2022
The Dent County Commission met Thursday morning at the Dent County Courthouse. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Wes Mobray stated grading would be done on Dent County Roads 2460, 5440, 6360 and 6370. He also said a work crew will be helping District 2 with their dump truck. District 2 Commissioner Gary Larson reported crews from his district as well as those from District 1 would be going to Rolla to get asphalt for the paving of Dent County Road 3010 that turns into a Phelps County Road. The commission agreed to help pay for the asphalting of this project and then sign the maintenance of asphalted road over to Phelps County. Larson went on to report grading would be done on county roads 2320, 2330, 4020 and 4030 while brush would be cut on county road 2330. Larson also said a work crew would be cleaning the debris out from some bridges in the district. Larson wanted to let the public know that when grading occurs at this time of year when leaves cover the road that it will leave wind rows on the road with the leaves with a little gravel mixed in. Over time this will be corrected but it could occur on some roads, and he just wanted the public to be aware of this in case they run across the wind rows while driving. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles reported that a contractors meeting will be held next week on Wednesday Afternoon with Corky Stack and contractors to discuss the Dent County Courthouse Project. He wanted to make sure the commissioners were aware of the meeting. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley wanted to remind the public her office will be open for excused and non-excused absentee voting this Saturday from 8:00 in the morning until noon. She also said absentee voting of both types will be held on Monday from 8:00 until 5:00 in the afternoon at the courthouse. If you are voting, you MUST bring a photo ID with you. The commissioners then agreed to put out for bid for their insurance coverage for autos, errors and omissions, as well as general liability insurance that will be due back in the county clerk’s office at 10:00 on Thursday, December 15th. The next meeting of the Dent County Commissioners will be Monday morning at 9:00 at the courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.
The Dent County Protection Fire District Board of Directors met Tuesday evening. After the roll call and approval of the consent agenda, the board approved the minutes from the October meeting before hearing the financial report which showed an ending balance of $47,368.56 as of October 31st. Bills, payments, statements and the budget were reviewed before the calendar review. The monthly reimbursement report was presented with a total of 16 calls for the month of October bringing the year-to-date number of calls to 212. Calls in October included one structure fire, two brush fires, five first responder calls, three mutual aid calls, one fire alarm, two training calls, plus the department responded to one car accident and conducted one search and rescue. Old business included the distribution of by-law amendment packets with changes and updates to all board members for their review. In new business, it was reported that there is a need for insulation in the attic of the new room and it will cost around $1,300 to complete. A motion was made, and approval was given to go ahead with the insulating of the attic. Fire Chief Brad Nash gave his report to the board on the building project. He said they are waiting on the electrician to complete the project but work at the station will be slow the next week or so until all the election voting is complete. Nash also stated they are waiting for locks for the new doors, and work in the dispatch area is still in progress including the need for paint and other small finishing details. Chief Nash said he is still in contact with the asphalt company to blacktop the parking lot but that will not happen now until spring. He also discussed the landscaping out front and asked for ideas from the board. It was decided to put in decorative rock to cut the maintenance cost and upkeep. Before adjourning, the board then set the date for the next meeting for December 13th at 6:00 at the fire station located at #2 South Main Street. The meeting will be open to the public.
An accident happened Wednesday evening just before 6:45 in Howell County on County Road 3100 about a mile and a half east of Mountain View. According to the report released by the highway patrol, a 2003 Dodge Ram being driven by 38-year-old Chad Andrews of Licking, was being pursued by the Mountain View police department when he traveled off the roadway and struck a fence. The Dodge then became airborne, striking a large brush pile before coming to a stop. Andrews, who was wearing a seat restraint, was taken to Mercy St. Francis in Mountain View by Mercy ambulance for treatment of minor injuries. The Dodge sustained moderate damage and was removed from the scene by Bakers Towing in Birch Tree.