Local News – Friday, November 10th, 2023
The Dent County Commission met Thursday at the courthouse for their regular meeting. At the meeting, Paul Heithold, Jimmy Crocker and Myra Swyers from the Dent County Soil and Water Conservation District were in to talk with the commission about raising their allocation from $1,100 in the budget to $5,000 for 2024. The local Soil and Water Conservation District helps farmers with information and education, financial incentives, as well as technical support with the design, implementation and maintenance to voluntarily implement soil and water conservation practices that decrease soil erosion and protect water resources. They also help farmers identify plants and weeds, plus help with mapping and planning. Most people know the district rents equipment like No-Till Drills, boom less sprayers, post drivers, soil test kits and burn equipment. In Dent County, they are your point of access with USDA, FRA, the NRCS and Missouri Department of Conservation representatives and their programs. They help Dent Countians with cost share programs and in fiscal year 2023, their allocation ended up being $1,213,251 while their allocation for fiscal year 2024 is $1,395,225 to date with the fiscal year not ending until June 30th, 2024. They said the additional allotment would go to maintain and/or purchase No-Till Drills, sprayers and post drivers. The commissioners appreciated them coming by and will consider their request in the 2024 budget. Grant Wilson from Jason Smith’s office was in to report the new house speaker is Mike Johnson who was instrumental in getting Smith chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. He said Smith in an interview on Fox News said the Ways and Means Committee wants to investigate universities that condone the Pro-Palestine and Israel protests and their funding mechanisms. Wilson also wanted to wish those who will be out deer hunting during the firearm season the best of luck. He said if you are deer hunting in the Ozark National Scenic Riverways and have unwarranted issues with park rangers to please let Smith’s office know. Dent County Treasurer Denita Williams was in to present the sales tax monies received this month. The General Revenue Fund and Law Enforcement Sales Tax Fund each received $84,018.42 which is about $200 more than for November of 2022. Year-to-date, the General Revenue Fund and the LEST funds are down about $66,720. The Road and Bridge Fund received $40,259.61 this month, up $1,726.97 from November of 2022. Year-to-date, that fund is down $29,597.00. The Jail Operating and Trust funds each received $81,961.53 and that is up $3,898.71 from November 2022 receipts. Year-to-date, those funds are down $54,409.00. Neither district had a road report as both crews were off due to Veteran’s Day. Presiding Commissioner Gary Larson said the auxiliary heater in the men’s room at the courthouse has now been installed to prevent pipes from freezing in the winter. Larson also said the commission signed the paperwork to move forward with the TAP grant from MoDOT for the new sidewalk construction. He said they are still concerned about the price tag of the MoDOT portion of the project of $393,283, and should the costs exceed that amount, the county would have to cover that amount as well as contribute $100,000. He said he would be talking with Great Rivers Engineering and MoDOT before allowing the engineering to move forward. The TAP grant will begin January 1st of 2024. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley said she balanced with the assessor and collector on all collections, add-ons and abatements for the month of October. She also wanted to report that candidate filing for the tax entity boards will start December 5th and ends on December 26th. Curley said the law in Missouri states that the tax entity office MUST be open on December 26th for those wishing to file. Since Christmas is on Monday, most of these entities would also be taking Tuesday off, but municipalities, schooldistricts, fire districts and the hospital will have to have someone in the office on the 26th. Curley said work continues on the budget and the Dent County Courthouse will be closed today for Veteran’s Day. The next meeting of the commissioners will be Monday at 9:00 at the courthouse and it will be open to public.
The Salem Area Chamber of Commerce and the City of Salem will hold the Christmas Parade of Lights in Salem on Saturday, December 2nd starting at 5:30 with this year’s theme: “Winter Wonderland.” The Grand Marshall for the parade this year is the Salem High School’s “Marching Blue.” The parade will run from the corner of South Grand and Franklin at the SBU Campus, traveling east to MacArthur, then going north to 4th Street before going heading east to the Dent County Courthouse square. Entry forms are now available at the office of the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce at 1136 South Main. Forms need to be returned by November 30th to the chamber offices. You can mail them, fax them at 573-729-6741 or e-mail them at chamber@salemmo.com, or drop them off in person. A full list of the parade rules are available at the chamber office.