Local News – Friday, March 6th, 2020
The Dent County Commission met for their regular meeting Thursday morning in the courthouse. Dent County Treasurer Denita Williams was in to have the Commissioners sign-off on the first quarterly payments of $14,000 to Salem Nutrition Site and $6,750 to SMTS. In the road report District 1 Commissioner Dennis Purcell reported that grading would be done on Dent County Roads 5420, 5490 and 6040, plus materials would be added and grading done on county roads 5070 and 6370. He also said that brush would be cut on county roads 6435, 6450 and 6570. District 2 Commissioner Gary Larson said that conditions for grading are really good right now and that materials would be added and grading done on Dent County Roads 2330, 4060 and 5300, plus grading only would take place on county road 5225. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles reported that on Tuesday he attended the Meramec Region Enhancement Corporation meeting where Amerisource-Virgin gave an update on the opioid prevention grant. Six school programs have been presented to date, plus Dent County received an $11,750 grant for a drug incinerator. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley reported that she balanced with the Collector and Assessor on all monthly collections, abatements and add-ons for the month of February, plus the Commissioners reviewed her reports. She went on to say that the Commissioners were approving bills for payment and that her office will be open Saturday from 8:00 until noon for absentee voting. Curley also noted that the last day to register for the April 7th election is Wednesday, March 11th. Dwight Ramsburg was in to discuss various jail construction related issues dealing with equipment and parking lot drainage. He is to do some research and report back at Monday’s meeting of the Commission. Bill Ard was in from the Tourism Tax Committee to discuss some issues and get input from the Commissioners. The next meeting of the Commissioners will be Monday morning at 9:00 and the meeting is open to the public.
The Salem Cosmopolitan Club will hold their 69th Variety Show and Miss Salem Competition tomorrow night at the Salem City Hall Auditorium starting at 7:00. There will be nine girls vying for the title of Miss Salem at the show and they are Trinity Gorman, Ceceilia Reed, Cheyanna Click, Emma Southards, Harmony Alexander, Brecklyn Holtz, Jainey Pettus, MacKensie Thompson and Cheyenne Roderman. David Massengale will be the emcee for the event. Judges from South Central Missouri will determine this year’s Miss Salem as well as the first and second runner-ups. The girls will vote on the Miss Personality title. The 2019 Miss Salem, Lauren Grogan, will crown the new Miss Salem at the event.
The Dent County Fire Protection District Board of Directors met at 6:00 Tuesday evening for their regular monthly meeting. After the roll call a motion was made and carried to approve the consent agenda as well as minutes from the February meeting being reviewed and approved as presented. The financial report was then reviewed with bills being reviewed and approved with an ending balance at the end of February of $273.205.31. During the calendar review, March 5th will be the first construction walk through, it was also noted that March 10th was election day in Dent County and the Road Rally would take place March 19th. During the monthly reimbursement report the board made note of 21 calls for the month including 1 structure fire, 6 brush fires, 1 car fire, 5 first responder calls, 3 vehicle accidents, 2 hazmat incidents, along with 2 training events. Total calls year to date was 62 with the average cost for call being $124.84. Chief Nash then took the board on a walking tour of the building progress. The date for the next meeting was set for Tuesday, April 7th at 6:00 at the firehouse. The meeting is open to the public.