Local News – Friday, March 4th, 2022
Today is FFA Day on KSMO Radio and being video streamed live on ksmoradio.com, KSMO Stream Facebook page and on KSMO’s YouTube page, where current FFA students talk about their future plans in FFA, experiences, activities, teams they are on or want to be on, officer goals and more. Former FFA Advisor Bob Parsons will be the moderator for the broadcast that will begin around 8:10 or so on KSMO Media.
After two postponements due to lack of a quorum and hazardous road conditions, the Dent County Health Center Board of Trustees met for their regular monthly meeting on February 25th. Administrator Zach Moser updated the Board on the current COVID status in Dent County. In January, there were 621 new cases of COVID-19 investigated. According to MoDHSS, as of February 23rd, 36.3% of Dent County residents have received their first dose of vaccine and 32.4% have completed the series. Dent County’s 7-day Positivity Rate was 17% as of February 23rd. He said the Health Center gave 58 monoclonal antibody injections in January. Moser noted that adult and Pediatric C19 vaccines are available at the Health Center and adult vaccine is available at the local pharmacies. Moser stated that 94 appointments for blood draws in the lab were held in January and that the Health Center can conduct most blood tests at a reduced cost for those without insurance. Anyone can have their labs done at the Health Center. The number of COVID tests has continued to increase with 508 being done during January. The cost of the rapid antigen test is $10, $35 for a Covid/Flu combo test, and $50 for a molecular C19 Test. PCR tests can be sent to the state lab and Labcorp under certain circumstances and are now available at the Health Center. Most people can qualify for free testing at the health center and no doctor’s orders are required. Zach reported that 278 COVID-19 vaccine doses were administered during the month and that the Health Center continues to offer the $50 gift card to Country Mart through a program funded by the state for anyone getting their first or second dose of COVID-19 vaccine. There was a total of 962 appointments for the month of January. Moser informed the Board of the receipt of the ID Now testing equipment that will test for COVID, Influenza, Strep, and RSV and is a very accurate molecular NAAT test. He reported the agreement with CureMD to process billing of services requires the Health Center to accept electronic funds transfers for payments from insurance companies. The Board approved the process and had previously approved electronic funds transfer (EFT) instead of paper checks. Moser updated the Board on the construction progress, which should be finished in March or early April. Zach presented bids for the replacement of glass and seals on the front of the building from Miller Glass and St. Robert Glass. The low bid of $7,168 from St. Robert Glass was approved by the Board. The Board approved cabinetry for the laboratory and the pharmacy/immunization room and the laboratory for a total of $7,612.97. Health Center financials for the month of January were approved and Moser presented the 2022 budget that showed a decrease in cash for 2022 of $71,349.69 due to the renovations of the building, $28,000 spent on the new roof, and other capital expenditures. In contract updates, Moser said that the Enhancing Laboratory Capacity (ELC) CARES expansion contract would cover the $22,500 cost of a Biofire Filmarray instrument, which is a true PCR device that tests for COVID-19, and a variety of other respiratory illnesses. The Board approved the expenditure. He noted that the Maternal-Child Health (MCH) contract was renewed, and that child safety is the focus of this contract. Tonya Akers is a new employee of the Health Center, and she has several skills which compliment this program, including car seat installation certification and CPR instructor certification. WIC appointments continue to be steady and Sho-Me Healthy Women, which provides free breast and cervical screenings for women who qualify, can be scheduled by calling the Health Center at (573) 729-3106. Moser reported that the Health Center was awarded a $17,000 grant to improve the rates of cervical and breast cancer screenings in Dent County, and that the Health Center was one of 9 health departments awarded a new deliverables-based grant for $150,000 from National Association of City and County Health Officials to improve COVID-19 vaccination rates. Before adjournment the Board set the next regular meeting date for Tuesday, March 15th.
State Auditor Nicole Galloway announced that her office has begun a regularly scheduled audit of Texas County, located in south-central Missouri. The most recent audit of Texas County was completed in November 2017 and gave the county an overall performance rating of “poor,” the lowest possible. Auditor Galloway said her office will conduct an independent review of government operations in Texas County to ensure that taxpayer resources are used effectively and appropriately. Individuals who would like to provide information for consideration in this or any audit may contact the State Auditor’s Whistleblower Hotline at moaudit@auditor.mo.gov or by calling 800-347-8597. Concerns may also be submitted anonymously online at auditor.mo.gov/hotline.
A special waste collection for residential and farm electronics, appliances, metals and tires will be held from 9:00 to noon tomorrow at Enhancements Inc, 200 Frizzell Street in Potosi. The collection is for residential items only and is open to residents from Crawford, Dent, Gasconade, Maries, Phelps, Pulaski and Washington counties. No materials from businesses will be accepted! To assure safety, those bringing items to the collection are asked to stay inside their vehicles, and assistants will unload items. For more information on items accepted or the fee structure, please contact Jill Hollowell at MRPC at 573-265-2993 Ext. 109 or at jhollowell@meramecregion.org.