Local News – Friday, March 2nd, 2018
Today marks the 27th anniversary of the first edition of Your World Today that was published in 1991 that actually had a St. Patrick’s Day green shell. Your World Today was actually born from an idea in the late 1980’s to provide Salem with something daily to read from a conversation between Steve Smith of Smith Sign Company and KSMO”s General Manager Stan Podorski. It took over two years for the idea to become a reality with the help of businesses willing to take a chance on something new. The top story included the results for the opening day at Montauk, the alderman meeting agenda for that evening, some obituaries and sports news. Your World Today was distributed to 18 businesses that first day in Salem. Known also as the “little blue paper,” Your World Today is now available in over 40 locations in Salem, Bunker and at Echo Bluff. Two advertisers from that first edition are still advertising in YWT in the same page locations in the paper: C&E Auto and Roberts-Judson Lumber Company. In 1999, Your World Today was the first media to go online in Dent County allowing people to read the same content in the daily paper on their computers. KSMO Radio wants to thank all those advertisers over the years that have made it possible to continue provide Your World Today to the community absolutely FREE. All of us at KSMO Radio also want to thank everyone who has picked up and read Your World Today in town over the years, or who has read it online. Without you, Your World Today would not be here today!
The Dent County Commissioners met for their regular meeting Thursday morning at the courthouse. Dent County Treasurer Denita Williams brought in two quarterly transfers to be made from the Salem Senior Center Fund. The first was for the Salem Nutrition site for $13,750 and the second was for the SMTS Bus for $6,750. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Dennis Purcell stated materials would be added and grading would be done on Dent County Road 5220, also known as the Quarry Road, and also on Dent County Road 5610. District 2 Commissioner Gary Larson said grading would be done on Dent County Roads 4430 and 5280 while materials would be added and patch grading would be done on county roads 2370 and 2380. Larson stated a pipe would be put in on county road 6160 and materials would also be added to that road, plus a pipe would be installed on Dent County Road 3370. Larson indicated materials were also going to be added to Dent County Road 5300 and brush would be cut on county road 3080. Presiding Commission Darrell Skiles reported on the Ozark Rivers Solid waste Management District Executive Board meeting Tuesday in St. James where they went over the current budget. They also discussed future funding needs for the tire collection program in the next budget year. The program is fine for this year, but it is getting harder to find uses for the tires once they are collected. Skiles stated all three commissioners attended the “Meramec Morning” at the Salem Community Center@The Armory Wednesday morning. Skiles said the MRPC staff did a fine job explaining what they do for the counties in their region and also what they can do to help businesses in the region as well. Skiles said the staff told him the meeting in Salem so far has drawn the most people. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley reported the last day to register for the April 3rd election will be Wednesday, March 7th. The next meeting of the Dent County Commissioners will be Monday morning at 9:00 and the meeting is open to the public.