Local News – Friday, March 29th, 2019
The Dent County Commissioners met Thursday for their regular meeting at the courthouse. In the road report, both Commissioner Dennis Purcell and Gary Larson said the dryer weather, wind and sun have allowed the county crews to make good progress on grading roads in the county. District 1 Commissioner Purcell said materials will be added and grading done Dent County Roads 2470, 6190, 6210 and 6220 while materials will be added to county road 5015. District 2 Commissioner Larson said materials would be added and grading would be done on Dent County Roads 3295 and 3305, while grading only will be done on county roads 2070, 2080, 3110 and 4280. Larson indicated materials would be added to county roads 3225, 3253 and 3255. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley wanted to remind everyone absentee voting will be held in her office at the courthouse Saturday from 8:00 in the morning until noon. She also said the Municipal Election will be held Tuesday and the polls will be open from 6:00 in the morning until 7:00 in the evening. If you need to update your address or voter registration, please come by her office by Monday, April 1st before the election. Also, if you are voting in the Bunker Township, you will be voting at the Bunker City Hall and NOT at the high school. Curley also said the next update on the Dent County Prison project with Septagone will be April 18th at 11:00. Kelly Whitsett, a hydrologist with the National Forest Service, and Jamie Statezny, the new district forest ranger in Salem, came in to discuss the Cooley Bridge Project near Bunker. She said the design of the new bridge is complete. She said the NEPA has been done and the letters of support have all been received. The project is shovel ready and now the financing of the project has to be secured. The county plans on trying to get the bridge built through the Federal Lands Access Program where the county will have to come up with 20% of the anticipated cost of the bridge. The Forest Service design cost for the bridge may be able to be used to help offset the county’s portion as part of the match. The design work was done at no cost to the county, but has value with the forest service. The next meeting of the Dent County Commissioners will be Monday morning at 9:00 at the courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.
The April Municipal Election will be held on Tuesday, April 2nd from 6:00 in the morning until 7:00 at night. Elections to be held that day include voting for two members for three years terms on the Oak Hill R-1 School District Board from six candidates who are Natalie Stevens, Phillip Mercer, Shena Terrill, Matthew Sapaugh, Tela Commons and Michael Connors. Also at Oak Hill R-1, there is a board vacancy for a one-year term. Voters will vote from Phillip Thompson, Allison Thompson or Willie Strader to fill that slot. Green Forest R-2 voters will also being voting for two board members for three year terms from four candidates. They are Austin Konkel, Crystal Fleener, Jeremy Patton and Nicole Brooks. At the Iron County C-4 School, there are six candidates for two open board positions. Those running are Shawn Pratt, Teddy Pryor, Tim Brooks, Mark Barton, Dustin Decker and Cleatis Karl Payne. The Bunker R-3 School District will also be elected two directors for their school board for a three year term from these candidates: Gary Skaggs, Joel Steelman and Todd Sutton. Also a few voters will be voting for two directors to serve on the Rolla 31 School District Board for three years from James “Jim” Packard, Shannon Lusk and William “Bill” R E Parsons. The City of Salem will hold elections to fill a seat for East and West Ward Alderman. On the East side, Rachel Hinderliter will oppose Jerry (Jay) Gibbs, Jr.; while on the west side, Harley Elwood-Conaway will be opposed by Kevin James. And the City of Bunker will be holding an election for an alderman to serve a two-year term. Voters will choose from Betty Wisdom, Sabrina Watson and Patricia (Houston) Rowland. If there are questions about the Municipal Election, contact the clerk’s office at 729-4144 or stop by their office by Monday.