Local News – Friday, June 4th, 2021
The Dent County Sheriffs has released several reports. On Friday, May21st, a deputy conducted a traffic stop on MacArthur and Rolla Road. During the stop, a 49-year-old Salem man was arrested for driving while being revoked. The man was transported to the Dent County Jail, where he was fingerprinted, issued a summons and released. On Saturday, the 22nd, a deputy conducted a traffic stop on West 4th Street. During the stop, a 49-year-old Salem man was arrested for driving while having his license revoked or suspended, a felony offense. Also arrested during the same stop was a 46-year-old Salem woman for possession of marijuana, 10 grams or less and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia. Both were taken to the Dent County Jail where they were fingerprinted, issued a summons and released. The next day Sunday, the 23rd, a deputy conducted a traffic stop in the 800 block of South Main Street. During the traffic stop, a 27-year-old Salem woman was arrested for driving while being intoxicated. The woman was transported to the Dent County Jail where he was fingerprinted, issued a summons and placed on a 12-hour hold. On Wednesday, the 26th, deputies responded to an address on County Road 2260 for a well-being check. The Dent County Sheriff’s Office received a call from someone at the residence requesting a man and woman be removed from the residence due to her being afraid for her safety. Deputies arrived on scene and during the investigation, a 35-year-old man from Rolla was arrested for having two active warrants through the Phelps County Sheriff’s Office and possession of a controlled substance except 35 grams or less of marijuana. The man was transported to the Dent County Jail, where he was incarcerated. The woman was also removed from the residence and both subjects were warned for trespassing. The next day a deputy traveled to a residence in the 100 block of North MacArthur Street to serve an arrest warrant. As a 28-year-old Salem man was arrested for an active warrant through Dent County. The man was transported to the Dent County Jail and incarcerated. Later that same day a Deputy traveled to a residence in the 3000 block of North Highway 19 to serve an arrest warrant. As a result, a 54-year-old man from Salem was arrested for an active warrant through Dent County. The man was transported to the Dent County Jail and incarcerated. If you have any information regarding an ongoing investigation, please call the sheriff’s department at 573-247-3241.
The County Extensions of Dent, Phelps, and Crawford invite you to a family picnic and wagon tour at Wurdack Farm Research Center Thursday, June 10th, beginning at 6:00. Meat and drinks will be provided, and you are asked to please bring your family a covered dish. RSVP by June 7th with the number attending to terrillc@missouri.edu or call the Dent County Extension Center at 573-7293196. Wurdack Farm is located about 2 miles north of Cook Station on a gravel road between Cook Station and Highway 19. From Salem, take Highway 19 North 15 miles to County Road 337 turn left and go 3 miles to the farm entrance.
Healthy Dent County invites you play Pickleball for free from 8:00 until 10:00 Tuesday and Thursday mornings at the Salem Community Center @ The Armory. For more details email Kelsey at Kelsey@salemcommunitycenter.org
The City of Salem Planning and Zoning Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing and meeting on Tuesday, June 8th at 6:00 at the City Hall Council Chambers at 202 North Washington. The purpose of the hearing and meeting is to consider a request from James Darden to re-zone 306 East Franklin from Commercial to Industrial for use as a Mechanic Shop and a request from Sellers Investment Properties, LLC, to re-zone 1203 South Babb Lane from Commercial to Industrial for storage of Propane Tanks and Bulk Storage of Propane in two 30,000-gallon tanks. The meeting, which is open to the public, was called by Planning and Zoning Chairman Gary Brown.
Visitors to the Ozark National Scenic Riverways will have the opportunity to Celebrate National Trails Day this Saturday and Sunday with a ranger-led birding hike at 9 a.m. each day at Round Spring. Bring your binoculars and meet at the Round Spring pavilion. A park ranger will lead the group though the Round Spring area in search of a variety of bird species. With over 400 species recorded in Missouri, birding is a great outdoor activity for people of all ages. Migratory birds are still passing through the area providing the opportunity to encounter some that are not commonly seen in the park. For more information about the birding hikes, please contact the Round Spring Ranger Station at (573) 323-8093.
Missouri State Parks invites the public to begin their archery journey by attending a hands-on course at Echo Bluff State Park during the afternoon June 19th from 1:00 until 3:00. Participants may register through June 12th. This program is for anyone who wants to learn the basics of archery and atlatl throwing. The Learn2 Aim courses offer two hours of free instruction and are open to ages 10 and older. Registration is required and all slots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. To register visit mostateparks.com/learn2.
Registration dates have been announced the Salem Upper Elementary School. The following dates are for all students, both new and returning. August 9th and August 11th from 9:00 in the morning until 2:00 in the afternoon, and from August 10th and August 12th from noon until 6:00. William Lynch will be registering new students on August 11th from 9:00 in the morning until 2:00 in the afternoon and from noon until 6:00 on August 12th.
KSMO Video Productions is still taking orders for the 2021 Salem Graduation keepsake DVD’s available for sale at the KSMO Radio studios at 800 South Main in the basement of the Wisdom Building. If you would like to have a DVD, please call the station to reserve your copy. The cost is $15 per DVD. KSMO Radio doors open just before 8:00 in the morning and stay open until 4:00 weekdays. For more information, call KSMO at 729-6117.
Salem Residential Care at 1207 East Roosevelt will have an auction tonight beginning at 5:30. Food and drink will be available. For more information call 729-9449.